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JobMarket版 - Internship: Advanced RF Technology 三菱电机研究院 (转载)
RF Intern 职位 波士顿 (转载)Internship @ Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab (MERL)
Internship openings at MERL (Boston area) (转载)Job opening: Internship at Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab in Boston, MA, USA
Internship of Microwave/Antenna at Boston (转载)Internship at Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab (Cambriage, MA)
Internship opening at Mitsubishi Electric LabsInternship at Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab (Boston, MA)
Internship opening: MetamaterialsIntern 职位: RF (转载)
Internship Opening at MERL Located in Boston, MARF PA Intern职位
Data Analysis Internship at Boston Research Lab.Internship on IEEE 802.15 WPAN
Internship position at Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories华大基因招聘实验室经理(工作地点:费城)
话题: rf话题: advanced话题: research话题: technology话题: internship
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 78
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: xop (xop), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: Internship: Advanced RF Technology 三菱电机研究院 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Oct 25 19:39:46 2014, 美东)
发信人: xop (xop), 信区: EE
标 题: Internship: Advanced RF Technology 三菱电机研究院
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Oct 25 19:39:06 2014, 美东)
Advanced RF technologies
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (Boston)is looking for an intern
to work on the research area of advanced RF technologies. The ideal
candidate should
be a senior Ph.D. student with good practical experience in microwave/RF
Power amplifier / Radio front end, TX. Familiarity with ADS is required.
knowledge of RF power device, radio system architecture, and FPGA would be
an asset.
Research Area: Electronics & Communications
Position ID: EC711
Contact: Rui Ma
Email: rma[at]merl[dot]com
1 (共1页)
华大基因招聘实验室经理(工作地点:费城)Internship opening: Metamaterials
internship available at MERL (vehicular communications)Internship Opening at MERL Located in Boston, MA
internship opportunity at Mitsubishi Lab (MERL)Data Analysis Internship at Boston Research Lab.
Intern position at Mitsubishi Electric Research LabInternship position at Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
RF Intern 职位 波士顿 (转载)Internship @ Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab (MERL)
Internship openings at MERL (Boston area) (转载)Job opening: Internship at Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab in Boston, MA, USA
Internship of Microwave/Antenna at Boston (转载)Internship at Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab (Cambriage, MA)
Internship opening at Mitsubishi Electric LabsInternship at Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab (Boston, MA)
话题: rf话题: advanced话题: research话题: technology话题: internship