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JobMarket版 - Part-time editors
Biomediacal editors in needpart time editors in need!招聘生物和医学方面编辑
Biomediacal editors in needpart time editors in need!招聘生物和医学方面编辑
Medical and Biological background part-time editors and freelance wantedpart time editors in need!招聘生物和医学方面编辑
part time editors in need!part time editors in need!招聘生物和医学方面编辑
part time editors in need!part time editors in need!招聘生物和医学方面编辑
Medical and Biological background part-time editors and freelance wantedpart time editors in need!招聘生物和医学方面编辑
part time editors in need!part time editors in need!招聘生物和医学方面编辑
part time editors in need!招聘生物医学方面编辑part time editors in need!招聘生物医学方面编辑
话题: editors话题: our话题: part话题: time话题: services
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 77
【 以下文字转载自 Biology 讨论区 】
发信人: phf (who is who), 信区: Biology
标 题: Part-time editors
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Feb 21 21:07:57 2014, 美东)
I would like to recruit 2-3 part-time editors for our translation/editing
services. We sometimes also provide project consultation services as needed
to improve the quality of manuscripts. Responsible editors working in all
biological and biomedical fields are welcome to join our team. Right now we
are particularly interested in getting editors who are working on stem cells
or cardiology related research. Certainly we are all very busy in our own
research and life, but you are expected to devote a fair share of your
personal time to better serve our customers.Please send me a message to my
MITBBS mailbox to discuss more. Thank you!
1 (共1页)
part time editors in need!招聘生物医学方面编辑part time editors in need!
part time editors in need!招聘生物和医学方面编辑Medical and Biological background part-time editors and freelance wanted
part time editors in need!招聘生物和医学方面编辑part time editors in need!
part time editors in need!招聘生物和医学方面编辑part time editors in need!招聘生物医学方面编辑
Biomediacal editors in needpart time editors in need!招聘生物和医学方面编辑
Biomediacal editors in needpart time editors in need!招聘生物和医学方面编辑
Medical and Biological background part-time editors and freelance wantedpart time editors in need!招聘生物和医学方面编辑
part time editors in need!part time editors in need!招聘生物和医学方面编辑
话题: editors话题: our话题: part话题: time话题: services