

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
JobMarket版 - SCAG hiring Computer Science intern (Los Angeles)
SCAG hiring Planner (growth forecasting) (Los Angeles)Synfuels China hiring process modeling engineers
有谁做Land use model? SCAG招聘谁感兴趣GE Capital – 3 Sr. IT Leader Opportunities-Enterpr (转载)
MS Exchange Gov Contract Job in DC areaJob Opening in Plano TX: Model Validation / Financial Modeling analyst - SAS / SQL
Can Green Card apply for government benefit?Quantitative Opening in Freddie Mac, PhDs only
Governent Job opening (转载)关于offer letter
part-time辅导员Consulting firm - multiple positions
Opening: Information Management/Engagement Data Management Engineer诚聘保姆-Los Angeles
话题: computer话题: science话题: alex话题: scag话题: los
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 190
see below, please contact Alex directly.
Please let me know if you know anyone who is a Computer Science
graduate looking for an intern opportunity. We need one immediately.
Alex Yu
Southern California Associations of Governments
[email protected]
(213) 236 - 1985 direct
1 (共1页)
诚聘保姆-Los AngelesGovernent Job opening (转载)
USC南加大牙医寻求病人,如果符合要求,免费加250元现金(For Los Angeles Area)part-time辅导员
Java programmer wanted, Los Angeles, good boss, good pay and good benefit春假兼职信息
looking for domestic help (Los Angeles)Opening: Information Management/Engagement Data Management Engineer
SCAG hiring Planner (growth forecasting) (Los Angeles)Synfuels China hiring process modeling engineers
有谁做Land use model? SCAG招聘谁感兴趣GE Capital – 3 Sr. IT Leader Opportunities-Enterpr (转载)
MS Exchange Gov Contract Job in DC areaJob Opening in Plano TX: Model Validation / Financial Modeling analyst - SAS / SQL
Can Green Card apply for government benefit?Quantitative Opening in Freddie Mac, PhDs only
话题: computer话题: science话题: alex话题: scag话题: los