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JobHunting版 - 求助DBA的下一步职业发展 (转载)
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【 以下文字转载自 Database 讨论区 】
发信人: dongfeng2050 (), 信区: Database
标 题: 求助DBA的下一步职业发展
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Feb 18 22:43:48 2022, 美东)
当了几年MySQL DBA, 包括Tableau, Reporting, DWH也都搞了一点点,也管了一个两个
人的小组(一个在印度),比较杂, 都不精。
现在公司被收购, 要上云, 还很可能是Oracle Cloud, not AWS. 下一步就是优化人
员, 所以肯定要开始准备找下家了。
问题是现在四十了(有卡), 但娃还小, 今后还要工作个20年。现在的后浪非常厉害
1. DB Infrastructure 方向: Cloud/Hybrid based DBA, 搞点migration, 性能优化
2. Data Analyst/BI 这个方向我是觉得可做,虽然收入可能会降,但对我没有关系。
但前途在哪里?有没有什么做得好的role model或方向?
3. DWH: Data Warehouse 这个我也有个in house DWH, 完全落伍。 现在全是big data
相关, cloud based DWH, 貌似更需要developer (Java developer, etc.), 而不是只
会SQL的DBA (我说的不对的话,请纠正)
4. DBA: 比如MySQL DBA / SQL Server DBA 但职位貌似越来越少, 今后前景不一定很
现在主要问题是貌似会点SQL的DBA未来的需求量不是很大,前途不明朗。 我又不想/不
能转developer (不太敢和现在的年轻人内卷)。 数据科学家最好是PhD, 我分析过,
虽然大火, 但也是无缘,对我是事倍功半。
请大家指点下迷津,看看traditional DBA 下一个工作能做啥比较有前途?至少能今后
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当然是去云计算公司接着干DB infra啊
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谢谢Nicaicia 能再举个例子吗?除了亚马逊。谢谢。
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infrastructure DBA , 主要的价值是tech skills, infra knowledge, handle
complexity architecture and design to meet performance, capacity and
regulatory/compliance requirements 这些方向的知识和经验在on prem data center
1. 继续在on prem 的公司里面做,不是所有的东西都会上云, 比如bank , health,
federal reserve, 等等,同时的问题是这些行业的 income 涨得不快,工作的安全度
2. 转去做infra , 可以做cloud infra, 可以考虑去大厂做system engineer 或是
production engineer, 虽然好像cloud把infra的complexity给用户给解决了,但是这
些cloud provider自己要做system, 以你的infra 的经验可以向这个方向发展
3. cloud DBA : 很多infra 的东西在cloud里面有了自动化的模板,但并不代表这就能
满足所有的需求,所以在这里还是有DBA的工作可以做, 只不过是当年你用perl写的自
动化去call unix command 现在是用python去call service end point. 只要你有基础
Business DBA / Application DBA : core strength industry experience in
particular business domain. lead requirement to implementation. (
either OLTP application or OLAP Warehouse ).
future thoughts:
business /app DBA 的发展方向是data architect / data engineer / end to end
core skills: communication, business writing (very important communication!)
RDBMS design (logical and physical) and process engineering + common tools
in design/implementation ,
i.e. ETL tools like data stage/ Informatica/apache airflow /dbt etc.. BI
tools like tableau , business object , looker , Microsoft data visualization
tools , etc...
in terms of from DBA --> BI 有一个想法要改变:降级, this is not demotion .
technically, there are different areas and the level complexity are quite
different, however... ¥¥¥¥是硬道理
按照你的说法40+有一定的经验的积累,要从DBA的comfort zone里面走出来,需要考虑
的是你有什么,你想去哪里干什么,你缺什么。 For example
what u have : infra knowledge + database implementation knowledge and
experience . commonly used tools to diagnose and monitoring and support
large systems. Solid experience in linux / unix env and distributed system
What you want to do : End to end system architect or engineer to support
cloud based implementation
What you need: cloud architect knowledge, python programming , orchestrating
cloud deployment using modern tools (terraform , AWS template , Azure etc
etc.) + CI CD knowledge in Jenkins + git for source control etc.
What you can do ? -- Udemy, AWS certificate , etc..
What job profile yo are targeting: cloud architect, cloud data architect,
cloud data implementation expert .
Job requirement: experience with cloud orchestration, experience with
database design/implementation/monitoring/productionizing/security/privacy
compliance etc...
What skills you must have : like I said, modern CICD tools, source control
tools, programming language (Python) , and cloud deployment automation tools
I had been struggling a little earlier 10 years ago about DBA / non DBA /
Management / Non management role. and just of your reference here is the
path that I had experienced
first job: dat analyst , ETL analyst , data mining analyst, bi report
analyst, dBA, data team manager 所有的活都干过一轮,小公司前后四年
second job : focus on large data warehouse data architect, a mixture of both
infra DBA + data warehouse business DBA . , large organization, 2 and half
third job: manager lead three teams: infra dba, performance DBA and
application DBA to support global operations. (consulting company, very busy
and exhausting). 2 years
forth job: back to DBA type of technical architect work, no management
responsibility, with infra knowledge and implementation knowledge this job
is the easiest for me, build a system, setup all automations, mentor a
couple of engineers to build ETL framework, then rest of time are advising
to the leadership by bullshiting . 3 yrs
fifth job: similar to forth job, except later on carry people management and
three teams 5 yrs.
sixth job: change to tech industry at Facebook, people management , data
however still enjoys working with engineers for data engineering challenges
infra foundation .
Finally, Plan to just work for tech industry for another 10 years, among the
three or four
tech leading corps and tech management role and retire early
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