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JobHunting版 - Research Software Engineer Opportunity (转载)
湾区Startup招Part time/Full time Senior Firmware Engineer问个简历英文单词 熟练 一般 知道一些
[Job Refer] Software design Engineer Middle level / senior工程软件求内推
Sr Deep Learning ScientistIntern Opportunity
C++ Software Engineer 工作求内推(Boston)job opening: Senior Software Engineer -GUI
招分布式系统方向的工程师关于multithread programming大家看什么书
Data Operations opportunity做医疗成像的GUI,用qt 好还是MFC好?
C/C++ (Qt) Contract 工作机会面试题: Multithreads 之间怎么通信?
Intern/Full-time Opportunity for Graphics/GUI Software Engi (转载)上周的几道电面题
话题: experience话题: software话题: engineer话题: research
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 34
【 以下文字转载自 CS 讨论区 】
发信人: algra (algra), 信区: CS
标 题: Research Software Engineer Opportunity
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Sep 30 17:10:29 2014, 美东)
The company I work for is looking for a research software engineer with
strong C++, graphics and/or GUI development experience.
Contact me if you are interested.
Some requirements are listed here:
● BS degree or higher in computer/biomedical science or engineering, or
a related field.
● Proficient in object-oriented software development using C/C++
● Good knowledge on building cross-platform code (e.g. using CMAKE,
Visual Studio)
● Understanding and prior experience with OpenGL or 3D graphics engines.
● Experience in GUI development with Qt or other tools.
● Experience in scripting languages is a plus
● Experience in character animation and dynamics is a plus.
● Multithreading or parallel computing experience with Thread/MPI/GPUs
is a plus.
● Strong analytical & mathematics skills and problem-solving skills.
● Good written and oral communication skills and ability to multitask.
1 (共1页)
工业界需要的技能多呀Data Operations opportunity
MathWorks onsite面经C/C++ (Qt) Contract 工作机会
递交PERM之前打广告的工作描述有啥要注意的吗Intern/Full-time Opportunity for Graphics/GUI Software Engi (转载)
湾区Startup招Part time/Full time Senior Firmware Engineer问个简历英文单词 熟练 一般 知道一些
[Job Refer] Software design Engineer Middle level / senior工程软件求内推
Sr Deep Learning ScientistIntern Opportunity
C++ Software Engineer 工作求内推(Boston)job opening: Senior Software Engineer -GUI
话题: experience话题: software话题: engineer话题: research