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JobHunting版 - job refer in data mining/machine learning R&D
data mining和machine learning到底有啥区别现在做 ad targeting的公司怎么这么多
Technical Yahoo, Machine Learning Engineer[Refer] Machine Learning/Data Mining Position
Linkedin Offer问一下那些互联网公司的data mining, machine learning的码工到底是做什么的?
=== Google 的 AdWords 组算核心部门吗?做business analysis中的machine learning/data mining怎么样?
machine learning positions @amazonGoogle NYC office Team match
求工作refer帖一个MS job opening,有兴趣的看看 (转载)
紧急求助。刚刚收到linkedin phone interview邀请。Jure Leskovec 加入Pinterest了
若选2门AI和machine learning与data mining是什么关系?
话题: job话题: data话题: mining话题: learning话题: machine
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2
Our group (a big company in Silicon Valley) has several full-time job
openings for machine learning/data mining R & D position. Please send the
resume to
j***********************[email protected]
if you are interested.
Job Responsibilities
The job requires research and development of advanced machine learning/data
mining/pattern recognition algorithms for the big data from different
domains, e.g., mobile, health care, image, recommendation system, etc.
The work includes algorithm proof-of-concept design and
implementation, demonstration, performance improvement,
documentation (including academic paper & patent). Significant fraction of
time will also be spent on algorithm design, analysis, and development.
The candidate needs to be a self-motivated individual with ability to
work independently or in a team. Strong written and verbal
communications skills are needed for extensive interactions with
members of a multi-disciplinary global team.
发帖数: 10760


【在 a********0 的大作中提到】
: Our group (a big company in Silicon Valley) has several full-time job
: openings for machine learning/data mining R & D position. Please send the
: resume to
: j***********************[email protected]
: if you are interested.
: --------------------
: Job Responsibilities
: --------------------
: The job requires research and development of advanced machine learning/data
: mining/pattern recognition algorithms for the big data from different

发帖数: 9344
至少说一下pay range吧

【在 r******l 的大作中提到】
: 至少说一下公司名吧
: data

发帖数: 1120
Scientist or engineer? Entry level or experienced?


【在 a********0 的大作中提到】
: Our group (a big company in Silicon Valley) has several full-time job
: openings for machine learning/data mining R & D position. Please send the
: resume to
: j***********************[email protected]
: if you are interested.
: --------------------
: Job Responsibilities
: --------------------
: The job requires research and development of advanced machine learning/data
: mining/pattern recognition algorithms for the big data from different

1 (共1页)
AI和machine learning与data mining是什么关系?machine learning positions @amazon
有了解Amazon Alexa machine learning team的么?求工作refer
fresh cs master找工作的疑惑以及machine learning的应用问题, (转载)紧急求助。刚刚收到linkedin phone interview邀请。
CS Ph.D. 到好的学校去做postdoc值得吗?若选2门
data mining和machine learning到底有啥区别现在做 ad targeting的公司怎么这么多
Technical Yahoo, Machine Learning Engineer[Refer] Machine Learning/Data Mining Position
Linkedin Offer问一下那些互联网公司的data mining, machine learning的码工到底是做什么的?
=== Google 的 AdWords 组算核心部门吗?做business analysis中的machine learning/data mining怎么样?
话题: job话题: data话题: mining话题: learning话题: machine