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JobHunting版 - 不土人士求职必读:3 minute drill
不土人士求职必读:U chose what is z best 4 U & Ur FamilyJobhunting经验(Ph.D., Statistics)
物理和CSPhD找工作差不多?[合集] 什么时候开始找工作比较合适呢?
Job opening in Princeton, NJ我的两次失败的interview
有没有人有面试communication problem,My job searching experience and O-1 visa
onsite 归来,一点面经共享找工作tip贴 - 面试篇
上海Metal Material Scientist 职位我的2008 – 找工作的经验总结
话题: university话题: phone话题: hr话题: read话题: interview
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 595
3 minute drill:
How to prepare the first phone interviw
来源: 美国老土 于 07-02-08 11:13:11
回答: 郁闷,难道大家没有在ACADEMIA工作的吗 由 水心 于 2007-02-08 09:54:10
ring---- ring----
Your phone is ringing, you picked up the phone.
HR: Hello! May I talk to Shui-ks-in (老美不会念ShuiXin)?
u: -- who? wrong number.-- who is this?
HR: I am Judy Smith, from 薄壳栗 university, I am calling for a scheduled
job interview.
u: -- job interview? which job?
u: -- 薄壳栗 university? Are you sure? My husband told me he only mailed my
resume to 丝毯富 university.(baby is crying---)
u: -- Sorry, can you hold on....----------------------------------------
You know this is not the good way to answer the unexpected/expected phone
call from HR/job agent.
Here is how you should prepare for the first phone interview:
-- write down what you want to say on a paper/papers
-- paste the paper on the wall near your phone
-- read the paper when the phone interview start
Here is the most important: so called "3 minute drill":
-- Before you answer the first question to HR, or if you find a chance in
the interview process,
say:"Before I answer that question, would you please let me briefly
introduce myself? I graduated from the top university in China: University
of Science and Technology of China which is the only university belongs to
Chinese Academy of Science, and University of Palo Alto in United States.
I worked ... years in China, teaching ... at .. University.
I have worked at University of Long Beach in California.
I have worked on the topic of ... research, published .. junk papers,
I am one of the top expert in ... field.
I am glad you called me, from where you got my resume?
-- write down the above content on a index note card.-- read the card, try
to finish it within 3 min.
-- practice, practice, read, read, read, until you can fluently talk it no
matter when the phone is ring...
The idea of "3 min drill" is: use the first 3 min to dump your strong point
to the interviewer, to show your strong point to them. No matter what
questions they ask you, you need sell out what you need sell to them. For
you, the interview process is a selling process.Be well prepared, write down
what you plan to say on a paper. Read, read, read, practice, practice,
还不知道怎么准备?那你还不算土. 3q!
发帖数: 5
1 (共1页)
我的2008 – 找工作的经验总结Job opening in Princeton, NJ
请问一个cover letter称呼的问题有没有人有面试communication problem,
如果被问为什么不去academia而是industry该怎么回答好呢?onsite 归来,一点面经共享
两个offer,该选哪个?上海Metal Material Scientist 职位
不土人士求职必读:U chose what is z best 4 U & Ur FamilyJobhunting经验(Ph.D., Statistics)
物理和CSPhD找工作差不多?[合集] 什么时候开始找工作比较合适呢?
话题: university话题: phone话题: hr话题: read话题: interview