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JobHunting版 - 某recuiter公司的关于工资negotiation的文章。
Counteroffer Acceptance: Road to Career Ruin (转载)什么时候接受offer: 口头还是书面?
Google今年招满人了?Book Recommendation: “Getting More” – A Negotiation Bibl (转载)
How To: Handle a CounterofferCounter offer 一般多久答复?
20 negotiation tips for getting the salary you want求助,刚拿到offer,如何negotiate工资 (转载)
问一个关于H1-B Transfer的问题(update 拿到offer了!!!)这个工作还有戏吗?
拿到offer后,旧公司给涨了30%工资期望工资? how to answer this question
job negotiation 的一个问题问个关于offer的问题
因为negotiating, offer被收回,后悔得要哭了ONSITE后的绝望
话题: candidate话题: offer话题: them
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3989
Four Options When a Candidate Counter-Offers You
Friday, 19 August 2011 16:01
Welcome to the wonderful world of negotiation, where every candidate seems
to have attended a class on effective negotiation. I'll spare you the
regular discourse on how badly you need the talent (and whether you are
going to find another suitable candidate) and get right to the issue - what
do you do when a candidate counters? Once a candidate presents you with a
counteroffer to your original offer, you basically have four choices:
1. Accept their Counteroffer and close the deal - this probably means you
low-balled them initially or the skill set is so critical you can't delay
the hire - so after giving it the "old college try" to keep the offer down,
you'll crumble like a deck of cards built on sand....
2. Give a Little Ground and Go Back to the Candidate with a Counteroffer of
your own somewhere in the middle - a common practice, which usually shows
that both parties are expecting some process to get to a number they are
comfortable with. Nobody goes on the car lot without expecting to haggle a
little bit, right?
3. Hold Firm on the Offer that was originally made - you love the candidate
but aren't going to budge. Tell them you love them, but the offer is the
offer. Always helps to have some reasons why - budget, salary range
guidelines, your view of the marketplace, other candidates in th mix you can
go to, etc...
4. Walk Away Cold - The hardcore reaction to a counteroffer, this action
means that once the candidate counters, you are retracting your initial
offer and letting them know no counter offer will be forthcoming from the
company. I see this happen the most when the company has done everything it
needs to measure the compensation needs of the candidate (This usually
means you ask them! What a novel approach!), then the candidate surprises
them by asking for more after indicating an offer along the lines of the one
made would be acceptable. That can create a trust issue that can't be
overcome. Additionally, sometimes the hiring manager won't want to work
through the process, preferring instead to simply walk away.
I know - walking away cold seems harsh doesn't it? In our experience, #2 is
the most common, followed by #3. #1 happens less, and as we outlined, #4
is generally only used if someone gets their feelings hurt.
It's more art than science. Good luck out there..
1 (共1页)
ONSITE后的绝望问一个关于H1-B Transfer的问题
G 家offer negotiation 求建议job negotiation 的一个问题
怎么谈工资, 被low ball因为negotiating, offer被收回,后悔得要哭了
Counteroffer Acceptance: Road to Career Ruin (转载)什么时候接受offer: 口头还是书面?
Google今年招满人了?Book Recommendation: “Getting More” – A Negotiation Bibl (转载)
How To: Handle a CounterofferCounter offer 一般多久答复?
20 negotiation tips for getting the salary you want求助,刚拿到offer,如何negotiate工资 (转载)
话题: candidate话题: offer话题: them