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JobHunting版 - 请教如何处理更有利 (转载)
通过中介/猎头找工作有问题吗?【国内】顶尖战略咨询公司招聘Research Analyst
FB system design client 给 server 传输文件 的系统。 一个/多个clients <-> 一个/多个 serverTARP H1B更新.
Job Opening : Senior CAD Engineeroffer的细节谈什么
Fwd: GE China Technology Center Job opportunities -- Experienced Hiringrelocation费是不是不搬家就不给?
这是不是骗子公司啊?学石油工程是否值当? (转载)
GE China Technology Center -- Summer Intern OpportunityOnsite 之后多久发Offer? 可以写信问吗?
Senior CAD Engineer position, also have NCG position一般从拿到offer到正式上工多久比较合理?
【JOBS】NCG CAD Engineer谈判失败,维持原工资了
话题: estate话题: real话题: new话题: relocation话题: very
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1334
【 以下文字转载自 Living 讨论区 】
发信人: dancingrose (留得青山在), 信区: Living
标 题: 请教如何处理更有利
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jul 15 15:48:26 2011, 美东)
我们问了问relocate公司推荐的buyer agent可不可以提供rebate.buy agent说他们不
第一份信:As I told you on the phone we cannot assist you with your real
estate needs. The XXX, Inc. is a relocation company who make sure we are a
very ethical company with very high standards and we only work with real
estate companies who feel and work the same way.
我的回复:First please let me show you some facts you need to know:
1. According to the New Jersey state law that went into effect Feb 2010
http://www.state.nj.us/dobi/bulletins/blt10_03.pdf, licensed real estate
brokers can provide a purchaser of residential real property a rebate from
commission the broker receives.
2. Nowadays it is a very common practice that a real estate broker provides
rebate to home buyers to lower home buying transaction cost. For example,
the renowned Redfin http://www.redfin.com provides such services in many
states such as New York, Massachusetts, Maryland, California etc... They
will provide such service in New Jersey very soon.
I'm a person that would like to buy a home wisely and efficiently. If I can
buy a house at a lower transaction cost I have no reason not to do it.
One thing I don't understand is why a common practice following state law is
unethical. Please educate me about it. A truly very ethical relocation
company should first be professional and put their clients interest first
rather than give their clients false or outdated information.
Finally, I'm totally fine that you don't provide assistance for my
relocation. Also, please let me know your supervisor's name and contacts.
她回复的第二封信:The XXX Group’s mission is to offer our clients
outstanding service and work with relocation certified real estate companies
( Members of ERC). It would be unethical for us to work with a rebate/
kickback commission real estate company.
1 (共1页)
请问这offer里这两句是什么意思GE China Technology Center -- Summer Intern Opportunity
两个Offer该怎么选择Senior CAD Engineer position, also have NCG position
relocation package【JOBS】NCG CAD Engineer
通过中介/猎头找工作有问题吗?【国内】顶尖战略咨询公司招聘Research Analyst
FB system design client 给 server 传输文件 的系统。 一个/多个clients <-> 一个/多个 serverTARP H1B更新.
Job Opening : Senior CAD Engineeroffer的细节谈什么
Fwd: GE China Technology Center Job opportunities -- Experienced Hiringrelocation费是不是不搬家就不给?
话题: estate话题: real话题: new话题: relocation话题: very