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Java版 - Question on classpath
ant javac error in eclipse 3.0?Re: How to compile a Java program with import my own package in UNIX
how to set CLASSPATH under Linux??[转载] Anybody tried "gcj"?
为何运行JAVA出现这个错误?入门Java CLASSPATH问题:
java dumb questionJBuilder question
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话题: class话题: classpath话题: question话题: directory话题: abstract
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 562
I have a class which extends an abstract class, they are in the same
directory. The abstract class compiled fine, but I have to add the current
directory to the classpath or the extended class won't be able to find the
abstract class.
Is this normal? I thought java should be able to find and use anything in the
same directory. Or is it because it extends another class?
发帖数: 17532

No. It's you, not Java.

【在 c*****t 的大作中提到】
: I have a class which extends an abstract class, they are in the same
: directory. The abstract class compiled fine, but I have to add the current
: directory to the classpath or the extended class won't be able to find the
: abstract class.
: Is this normal? I thought java should be able to find and use anything in the
: same directory. Or is it because it extends another class?

1 (共1页)
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一个怪异的java 运行问题UnsatisfiedLinkError
ant javac error in eclipse 3.0?Re: How to compile a Java program with import my own package in UNIX
how to set CLASSPATH under Linux??[转载] Anybody tried "gcj"?
为何运行JAVA出现这个错误?入门Java CLASSPATH问题:
java dumb questionJBuilder question
话题: class话题: classpath话题: question话题: directory话题: abstract