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Java版 - help with java script
Re: Client-Server and actionPerformedJava可行性一问:画图然后保存为图像?
Re: What is wrapper class? Thx.Can Web Services return Hash or Object?
help: how to set the alignment of textField to Right?Java Regular Expression Question
Can't figure out: why can't append againErlang?
java 中文显示的问题rails和java,c#的rest web services比较,有何优缺点? (转载)
Made my first Ajax app integrated to Spring.Re: Do anyone know a good websit containing the source code of Java
Textfield auto tab-traversalWhat general services does a container provide fo
话题: script话题: java话题: some话题: do话题: does
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6
hi, everyone
I would like to develop some website, which one of the pages contains some
suggestion form, what I need to do is collecting the 10 answers from the the
textfield,then sent it to some professor's email. So she can review the
suggestions then. (I can't anything with that server)
Does anyone know how to do it or where can I download such source code?
thanks a lot
发帖数: 2277

【在 r****u 的大作中提到】
: hi, everyone
: I would like to develop some website, which one of the pages contains some
: suggestion form, what I need to do is collecting the 10 answers from the the
: textfield,then sent it to some professor's email. So she can review the
: suggestions then. (I can't anything with that server)
: Does anyone know how to do it or where can I download such source code?
: thanks a lot

发帖数: 137
You can't do it with only JavaScript. However it's very easy to do using PHP
or Perl. Using Perl you need to do a little cgi programming; using PHP you
only need to call its mail function.

【在 r****u 的大作中提到】
: hi, everyone
: I would like to develop some website, which one of the pages contains some
: suggestion form, what I need to do is collecting the 10 answers from the the
: textfield,then sent it to some professor's email. So she can review the
: suggestions then. (I can't anything with that server)
: Does anyone know how to do it or where can I download such source code?
: thanks a lot

1 (共1页)
What general services does a container provide fojava 中文显示的问题
What specific services does a container provide f问个applet的问题。
EJB containerMade my first Ajax app integrated to Spring.
EJB框架示意图Textfield auto tab-traversal
Re: Client-Server and actionPerformedJava可行性一问:画图然后保存为图像?
Re: What is wrapper class? Thx.Can Web Services return Hash or Object?
help: how to set the alignment of textField to Right?Java Regular Expression Question
Can't figure out: why can't append againErlang?
话题: script话题: java话题: some话题: do话题: does