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Java版 - 9% of CIO's have adopted EJB as a development platform
语言坑:有没有Java和C#两边都用的Who is EJB technology for?
现在hibernate这种流行框架What is the roadmap for EJB technology?
VP亲自跑来感谢我What version of the Java Development Kit (JDKTM)
Re: EJB and its Future (Discussion welcomed)Doesn't EJB technology compete with CORBA?
关于EJB开发的几个问题What about RMI/IIOP? Is that part of EJB specific
What are the key features of the EJB technology?Does EJB specification require the use of other e
What are the key benefits of the EJB technology?How does EJB compare with MTS (Microsoft Transact
What version of the EJB specification is currentl关于EJB
话题: ejb话题: adopted话题: cio话题: 9%话题: platform
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 23
What is the main stream then?
There are interesting discussion there.
From theserverside.com:
"According to a recent survey of 150 CIOs, only 9% of them
adopted EJB as a solution, with 14% using EJB partially and
16% still
evaluating it. This supports my theory that EJB is still in
a fast
growing market and that the true large-scale adoption of EJB
is at the
tail-end of the Geoffrey Moore's scale, to which we are
slowly but
surely moving towards. "
1 (共1页)
EJB ServerWhat are the key features of the EJB technology?
EJB containerWhat are the key benefits of the EJB technology?
EJB框架示意图What version of the EJB specification is currentl
语言坑:有没有Java和C#两边都用的Who is EJB technology for?
现在hibernate这种流行框架What is the roadmap for EJB technology?
VP亲自跑来感谢我What version of the Java Development Kit (JDKTM)
Re: EJB and its Future (Discussion welcomed)Doesn't EJB technology compete with CORBA?
话题: ejb话题: adopted话题: cio话题: 9%话题: platform