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Java版 - Wierd issue with Cassandra
介绍个做web的framework吧!How to delete an entry in JAR?
distributedQuestion on J2EE container
very weird problemA question about JavaScript (转载)
Goodbug能提供一些Spring, Hibernate, Cassandra入门资料吗ArrayList and Link list
hating cassandra, just a little bitSimple question: delete element from collection on condition?
请教个ec2 + nosql 的问题REST
[转载] Question 1: refresh view of database?JDBC
巨量数据读取问题求助c# web services和java web services完全2码事啊。
话题: cassandra话题: columns话题: wierd话题: quorum话题: deletes
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 72
we have a cluster on EC2. replication factor 3, simple strategy, quorum read
, quorum write. GC grace using default and node tool repair once a week
Cassandra V1.2.1 hector api 1.0.5
we have a column family used for indexing and all columns are dynamic
composite columns. Here is strange thing, when we do lots of writes and
deletes. Somehow lots of deletes are simply like never happened. Even later
we issued the same comments again, we still see some of columns not being
deleted. If we do range slice, some "deleted" columns always pop up.
Any suggestion?
Thanks a lot. Really appreciate your help.
发帖数: 8232
did you check after the repair is run? if you can repro it consistently,
make sure your delete method is implemented correctly. I suggest you to
post your question to Cassandra mailing list to get better response.


【在 P*****x 的大作中提到】
: we have a cluster on EC2. replication factor 3, simple strategy, quorum read
: , quorum write. GC grace using default and node tool repair once a week
: Cassandra V1.2.1 hector api 1.0.5
: we have a column family used for indexing and all columns are dynamic
: composite columns. Here is strange thing, when we do lots of writes and
: deletes. Somehow lots of deletes are simply like never happened. Even later
: we issued the same comments again, we still see some of columns not being
: deleted. If we do range slice, some "deleted" columns always pop up.
: Any suggestion?
: Thanks a lot. Really appreciate your help.

1 (共1页)
c# web services和java web services完全2码事啊。hating cassandra, just a little bit
我也来问问题了请教个ec2 + nosql 的问题
find all tables used in a hibernate/jdbc project?[转载] Question 1: refresh view of database?
请教:parse CSV文件巨量数据读取问题求助
介绍个做web的framework吧!How to delete an entry in JAR?
distributedQuestion on J2EE container
very weird problemA question about JavaScript (转载)
Goodbug能提供一些Spring, Hibernate, Cassandra入门资料吗ArrayList and Link list
话题: cassandra话题: columns话题: wierd话题: quorum话题: deletes