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Japan版 - 紐時記者稱中有釣魚台主權 日怒駁斥
“中国钓鱼岛”主题美国邮票 让美国打日本脸 (转载)关于Japan版斑竹
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话题: islands话题: china话题: senkaku话题: japan话题: chinese
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6465
2011-01-28 中國時報 【中廣新聞/葉柏毅】
Aggressive territorial claims by Beijing are unnerving China’s neighbors as
well as Washington. My take is that China has a strong historical case in
claiming the disputed islands in the East China Sea known as the Senkaku in
Japanese and Diaoyu in Chinese. But China’s claims to a chunk of the South
China Sea are preposterous, and its belligerence is driving neighbors closer
to America.
To the Editor:
Re “The Rise of Chinese Cheneys” (column, Jan. 20):
We take issue with Nicholas D. Kristof’s depiction of the status of the
Senkaku Islands, which are clearly an inherent territory of Japan. The
Japanese government formally incorporated the Senkaku Islands in January
1895 after confirming that they had been uninhabited and not under the
control of any other country. Since then the Senkaku Islands have
continuously remained as an integral part of the Japanese territory.
The Senkaku islands were neither part of Taiwan nor part of the Pescadores
Islands, which were ceded to Japan from China in accordance with the Treaty
of Shimonoseki in May 1895. Accordingly, the islands were not included in
the territory that Japan renounced in accordance with the 1951 San Francisco
Peace Treaty after World War II.
Under the peace treaty, the islands had been placed under the United States
administration until 1971, when the administrative rights over the islands
reverted to Japan. It was not until the latter half of 1970, when the
possibility of the existence of petroleum resources on the East China Sea
came to the surface, that Chinese and Taiwanese authorities began to raise
questions regarding the Senkaku Islands.
Satoru Satoh
Press Secretary
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Tokyo, Jan. 24, 2011
1 (共1页)
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“中国钓鱼岛”主题美国邮票 让美国打日本脸 (转载)关于Japan版斑竹
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Go US or not?job oppotunity in Japan
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话题: islands话题: china话题: senkaku话题: japan话题: chinese