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Investment版 - How do you rank HSA contribution among 401k and roth IRA?
收入超过250k之后如何操纵?请教如果公司不提供401k plan
亏了,才知道存ROTH IRA有TAX CREDIT请教我该投401(K)还是traditional IRA?
Roth IRA的退税问题求助,如何把2008年投到roth-ira的钱转成2009年的。
诚心求教roth问题?问一下2008 的roth IRA
小公司,401k, roth 401k还是IRA请问married NRA究竟能否投资IRA (updated)
请教一个401k contribution limit的问题F1问一下有关Roth IRA的问题
请教:Can 401K plus Roth IRA over 17.5K我这种情况还用开Roth IRA吗?
咨询如何避税,放哪种401K比较好新手问roth ira的问题
话题: hsa话题: tax话题: fica话题: 401k
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2019
I think HSA has very attactive tax benefits.
1) Contribution is pre-tax, even before FICA and medicare (unlike 401k is
after FICA and medicare)
2) If you are in a high tax bracket, HSA contribution could help bring down
the AGI so that you may qualify for other tax benefits which are only
available to people with AGI below certain threshold (roth IRA contribution,
child credit, education credit, etc)
3) Even though you are not using the money in HSA in the near future, it can
be invested in funds and grow over time, and you don't pay tax on the
earning as long as it is used to pay qualified medical expenses (someone
correct me if I'm wrong here). To me this is using pre-tax dollars to
generate tax-free earnings.
4) The only catch is it can only be used for medical expense without tax and
penalty. However medical expense is one thing that nobody can avoid and we
all need money to pay for it sooner or later. Wouldn't it be great to use tax-
free dollars to pay for one of the largest expenses after retirement other
than using distribution of 401k?
With above being said, I'm not sure about maximizing it every year and put
too much money in it, especially if health plan offer annual out-of-pocket
limit so medical expense is capped.
Thoughts? Discuss.
发帖数: 299
The problem is, you don't have many investment choices for your HSA funds.
You can only use HSA for medical purpose only. Besides, not many people are
qualified for that contribution.


【在 t**********r 的大作中提到】
: I think HSA has very attactive tax benefits.
: 1) Contribution is pre-tax, even before FICA and medicare (unlike 401k is
: after FICA and medicare)
: 2) If you are in a high tax bracket, HSA contribution could help bring down
: the AGI so that you may qualify for other tax benefits which are only
: available to people with AGI below certain threshold (roth IRA contribution,
: child credit, education credit, etc)
: 3) Even though you are not using the money in HSA in the near future, it can
: be invested in funds and grow over time, and you don't pay tax on the
: earning as long as it is used to pay qualified medical expenses (someone

发帖数: 5411
you are mostly right, HSA is the most tax advantaged vehicle out there.
Another good thing is that high deductible plan is cheaper than others.
I max it out every year.
the downside is low limit, only $6250 for couple. another thing is typically
you don't have very good investment choice. For example, I have all my
contribution in SP500 index fund and I am paying 40 basis points.
I would rank it HSA very high,
401k up to match, then, HSA, then max out 401k, then ROTH.


【在 t**********r 的大作中提到】
: I think HSA has very attactive tax benefits.
: 1) Contribution is pre-tax, even before FICA and medicare (unlike 401k is
: after FICA and medicare)
: 2) If you are in a high tax bracket, HSA contribution could help bring down
: the AGI so that you may qualify for other tax benefits which are only
: available to people with AGI below certain threshold (roth IRA contribution,
: child credit, education credit, etc)
: 3) Even though you are not using the money in HSA in the near future, it can
: be invested in funds and grow over time, and you don't pay tax on the
: earning as long as it is used to pay qualified medical expenses (someone

发帖数: 4495

我们的HR说HSA contribution是after tax的,不免FICA

【在 t**********r 的大作中提到】
: I think HSA has very attactive tax benefits.
: 1) Contribution is pre-tax, even before FICA and medicare (unlike 401k is
: after FICA and medicare)
: 2) If you are in a high tax bracket, HSA contribution could help bring down
: the AGI so that you may qualify for other tax benefits which are only
: available to people with AGI below certain threshold (roth IRA contribution,
: child credit, education credit, etc)
: 3) Even though you are not using the money in HSA in the near future, it can
: be invested in funds and grow over time, and you don't pay tax on the
: earning as long as it is used to pay qualified medical expenses (someone

发帖数: 5411

【在 a*w 的大作中提到】
: 我们的HR说HSA contribution是after tax的,不免FICA
: down
: contribution,
: can

发帖数: 4495
Contributions from an employer or employee may be made on a pre-
tax basis through an employer. If this option is not available
through the employer, contributions may be made on a post-tax
basis and then used to decrease gross taxable income on the
following year's Form 1040.

【在 s********z 的大作中提到】
: 你们的HR应该被fire掉
: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_savings_account#Deposits

发帖数: 5411
你在跟hr说啊,post tax contribution跟hr有什么关系?

【在 a*w 的大作中提到】
: wiki上说pre-tax或post-tax是可选的,
: Contributions from an employer or employee may be made on a pre-
: tax basis through an employer. If this option is not available
: through the employer, contributions may be made on a post-tax
: basis and then used to decrease gross taxable income on the
: following year's Form 1040.

发帖数: 2019
1)通过employer payroll每月自动从你的paycheck里面扣除来存,俗称cafeteria
plan. HSA在扣除的时候,是在算FICA, medicare,已及联邦、州税之前的,before一切
tax. 接下来是算FICA和medicare, 再然后是401k在算联邦、州income tax之前。
2) 如果自己往HSA账户里面存钱,每年报税的时候这个contribution算deductible, 所
以也是income tax free的。

【在 a*w 的大作中提到】
: wiki上说pre-tax或post-tax是可选的,
: Contributions from an employer or employee may be made on a pre-
: tax basis through an employer. If this option is not available
: through the employer, contributions may be made on a post-tax
: basis and then used to decrease gross taxable income on the
: following year's Form 1040.

1 (共1页)
新手问roth ira的问题小公司,401k, roth 401k还是IRA
401k杯具了请教一个401k contribution limit的问题
如果做traditional to Roth IRA conversion,原来的买的基金是否可以保留?请教:Can 401K plus Roth IRA over 17.5K
求建议,这种情况放 roth 还是 traditional咨询如何避税,放哪种401K比较好
收入超过250k之后如何操纵?请教如果公司不提供401k plan
亏了,才知道存ROTH IRA有TAX CREDIT请教我该投401(K)还是traditional IRA?
Roth IRA的退税问题求助,如何把2008年投到roth-ira的钱转成2009年的。
诚心求教roth问题?问一下2008 的roth IRA
话题: hsa话题: tax话题: fica话题: 401k