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Internet版 - Google Index machine kills server
Re: 什么是dhcp?dynamic IP and domain
wget 一问 -- urgentPHP to display a dynamic network topology
hover button in Frontpage 2002airport extreme加comcast,怎么改ip都改不了?
一个 proxy 得问题is Winkgif.exe a virus?
Yahoo SBC DSL + Router 连接问题你们都在用什么浏览器?
Re: Where can I register domain w/ dynamGoogle Index machine kills server
Firefox 内存占用问个数据库问题
failed to query TCP/IPSlow view performance in MySQL
话题: google话题: index话题: kills话题: server话题: apache
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 587
I just rerealized that google index and query could
really hit a server so hard it kills it.
1. Google crawl is fine.
2. however if someone use the google appliance to do a query, the
security model request google check if current user can access
each and every returned pages, that will send a burst of
requests to apache, apache will send all queries to oracle...
(all page are dynamically generated instead of static pages)
this flood will throw the whole system to a nonresponsive
1 (共1页)
Slow view performance in MySQLYahoo SBC DSL + Router 连接问题
老印给我的一个ChallengeRe: Where can I register domain w/ dynam
这个query怎么写?Firefox 内存占用
以后就做BI了failed to query TCP/IP
Re: 什么是dhcp?dynamic IP and domain
wget 一问 -- urgentPHP to display a dynamic network topology
hover button in Frontpage 2002airport extreme加comcast,怎么改ip都改不了?
一个 proxy 得问题is Winkgif.exe a virus?
话题: google话题: index话题: kills话题: server话题: apache