

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Indiana版 - 系里面的小秘发了china travel alert了
CNN 的 Tibet Fast Facts。我兔应该搞一搞夏威夷,德州 Facts号召继续进行youtube的人民战争!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
go to this link if you want to understand more about TARCanadians watch Lhasa mob in horror
急问 chimney flashing问题What a liar, use this dead Han pic to say a story about k
'Oh my God, someone has a gun ...'BBC Unblocking access by Jon Williams
Tibetans attacked Chinese, say Lhasa tourists - By Thomas BellWashington Post 周四头版,终于还原真想了!!
Fire on the roof of the worldCNN 也终于开始客观了
An Australian tourist, Michael Smith, captures video of protest riots during a visit to Lhasa, Tibet我现在已经被BBC认为是TG的宣传人员了
上一代人类已经掌握了反重力和星际航行的能力 (转载)Facts exposing Dalai clique's masterminding of Lhasa violence
话题: lhasa话题: alert话题: travel话题: citizens
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2
This Travel Alert is being issued to alert U.S. citizens to safety and
security concerns in China’s Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR). On March 14,
violence erupted following peaceful demonstrations in the city of Lhasa.
American citizens in Tibet and especially in Lhasa are advised to avoid
areas where demonstrations are taking place. U.S. citizens in Lhasa should
seek safe havens in hotels and other buildings and remain indoors to the
extent possible. Americans are advised to defer travel to
1 (共1页)
Facts exposing Dalai clique's masterminding of Lhasa violenceTibetans attacked Chinese, say Lhasa tourists - By Thomas Bell
普通藏民对藏独的看法 --- 翻成英文了Fire on the roof of the world
奇文共赏:Railways in Tibet , Everyone else is worriedAn Australian tourist, Michael Smith, captures video of protest riots during a visit to Lhasa, Tibet
警察又镇压自由西藏运动了上一代人类已经掌握了反重力和星际航行的能力 (转载)
CNN 的 Tibet Fast Facts。我兔应该搞一搞夏威夷,德州 Facts号召继续进行youtube的人民战争!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
go to this link if you want to understand more about TARCanadians watch Lhasa mob in horror
急问 chimney flashing问题What a liar, use this dead Han pic to say a story about k
'Oh my God, someone has a gun ...'BBC Unblocking access by Jon Williams
话题: lhasa话题: alert话题: travel话题: citizens