Houston 的 Augustine Huang 律师已于 6/24/2015 突然死亡. I used to be his
client but my NIW petition was denied. I was trying to contact him lately in
order to re-file but found out about his death instead. Very shocking news
请见Death Record: http://death-records.mooseroots.com/d/n/Augustine-Huang,
Also, State Bar of Texas: https://www.texasbar.com/AM/Template.cfm?Section=
and http://www.avvo.com/attorneys/77074-tx-augustine-huang-56127.html
The school where he earned his degree and time match those indicated on his
webpage: http://www.ahuanglaw.com/04about_us/about_us01.html
His phones are no longer working either.
他当时的客户可以询问State Bar of Texas是否可以退款?Try emailing Client
Attorney Assistance Program (CAAP) at State Bar of Texas at mail.caap@
texasbar.com because they handle disputes between lawyers and clients. Even
if they don't handle your particular case, they will direct you to the right