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Immigration版 - 文学城485填表的链接不管用了,我每次打开都说服务器忙。三天了
分享--给母亲申请绿卡(III 面试)EB1A I140 PP NSC 被REF了
3月份刚刚变成绿卡 之前一直是F1 non-resident 报2011年的税 关 (转载)485, 765, G-325A填表问题请教
485, 765, 131 填表疑问(已经考古过了)跪求解答
急求关于I-485表格提交后移民局让修改的问题求助 EB1B 收到USCIS 通知
485填表急问,OPT在哪个CIS office批准的?这个140结果是RFE还是NOID还是DENY?求祝福
i-485 form part 2, application type问一个485 filing address的问题
An urgent question for I-485 Form我觉得NSC干活也挺认真的!
EB1a I140 pending的状态下 485的application type怎么选啊?再问mycasetracker读图问题。。。多谢了
话题: states话题: united话题: any话题: ever话题: 同学
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 224
From 文学城皮匠的博客
发帖数: 2414
手把手帮着填 I-485 和 G-325A
- pjiang -
移民局又开闸了,于是大伙儿全来趟这浑水。不管是 140 还没填的,抑或是 pending
的,更不要说批了的了,尤其是七月二号没赶上车的,大家一齐冲向 485 高地。
485 填表战,又开始了!
有的同学过于紧张,简单的问题也不敢把握,向白老师 (xiaobaitu, 呢称 XBT, 又称
小白兔 JJ 或 小白兔 MM) 求助的贴子是满天飞呀!就象北京春天的柳絮。
毛钱,"在线等"的算 Premium Service 多收五分。系主任胆子太小,今天老师还说
还没摸到北的同学,请到那边去下载 I-485 表格 Form I-485 (Rev. 12/03/09)N
Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status (Expires 12/31/
2010), 说明书。费 $1,010.
填 I-485 的最基本要求,是作为申请人的你,身处美国境内,且优先日期当前。
谁是申请人?你给父母申请绿卡,你的父母分别是 I-485 的申请人;你申请绿卡带上
了领导和孩子,你、你的领导、还有你的孩子分别是申请人。所以,他(们)的 I-485
如果你想问“能不能给在中国的太太交 I-485”,再读上面的几行,多读几遍。
有的同学就不要填了,如果你是非法入境的,或者 OOS 超出了180天。
公民的父母或配偶,超出了 180 天也没有关系。但如果是非法入境,只能等大赦。
Part 1. Information about you
Family Name
Given Name
Middle Name: 留空,不填。
以前有位叫"王五"的同学填了 None。结果名字被改成了"王 NONE 五"。这位同学
是,王同学找移民局去纠错,前后写了七七49封信,打了九 九81通电话,好不容
半死。其上大名赫赫"王 N. 五"。
Address- C/O: in Care of "转交"。一般不填。用别人的地址时,在这里填转件人
Street Number and Name
Apt. #
Zip Code
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
Country of Birth: [P.R. China]
Country of Citizenship/Nationality: [P.R. China]
别填 Chinese - 为哈?不为哈。问你中学英语老师去。
U.S. Social Security #
A # (if any): 留空,不填。
如果你以前交过 I-485,请一定把上面的 A# 填在这里。
Alien Number (A#) 又称 Alien Registration Number,通常在填了 I-485 之后才
会有,出现在 I-485 的 Receipt Notice 上。和 SSN 一样,这个 number 跟着你不会
改变的。也有人会在 I-140 的 Approval Notice 上看到,但有时 I-485 的收据上还
是给你一个新的 A#.
如果你在别的 I-797 上看到了 A#,请考虑是不是你曾经在填表时,自己错填过 F-1
OPT/EAD 上的 A#,返回来的。注意:你 F1 申请 OPT 的 EAD 上的 A#,不要填在这
关于多个 A# 的情况,请参考"关于 Multi A# 的问题"。
Date of Last Arrival (mm/dd/yyyy)
I-94 #: 包括空格前后两部分共 11 位数字。
Current USCIS Status: 这是单一选择题,答案在 Temporary Worker, Student,
Exchange Scholar, Visitor 中找。挠头的同学点 Class of Admission。
Expires on (mm/dd/yyyy): F/J 依 I-94 卡填 D/S, 其它身份有具体日期。
如果身份失效,可仍填最后之身份。如果 OOS 超过 180 天,你的申请会不批,除非
Part 2. Application type.
[a] An immigrant petition giving me an immediately available immigrant visa
number that has been approved
I-130/I-140 的受益人,--即所谓主申请人
(I-130/I-140 已经批了,还没有批,与 I-485 同时提交,均同*)
[b] My spouse or parent applied for adjustment of status or was granted
lawful permanent residence in an immigrant visa category that allows
derivative status for spouses and children
I-130/I-140 的受益人的配偶或子女,--副申请人
* 对于 I-130/I-140 尚未批准时,以前是采用下面选 h 加注的方式。经过商讨、思考
[h] - I-140 Pending, 把这句话写在空白处,"Form I-140 currently pending with
Receipt# LINxxxx" (LINxxxx 填你自己的号码)
[h] - I-140 和 I-485 同交,"Form I-140 being filed concurrently with this
[c] I entered as a K-1 fiancé(e) of a U.S. citizen whom I married within 90
days of entry, or I am the K-2 child of such a fiancé(e)
[d] I was granted asylum or derivative asylum status as the spouse or child
of a person granted asylum and am eligible for adjustment
[e] I am a native or citizen of Cuba admitted or paroled into the United
States after January 1, 1959, and thereafter have been physically present in
the United States for at least one year
[f] I am the husband, wife, or minor unmarried child of a Cuban described
above in (e), and I am residing with that person, and was admitted or
paroled into the United States after January 1, 1959, and thereafter have
been physically present in the United States for at least one year
[g] I have continuously resided in the United States since before January 1,
[h] Other basis of eligibility. Explain
[i] I am a native or citizen of Cuba and meet the description in (e) above
[j] I am the husband, wife, or minor unmarried child of a Cuban and meet the
description in (f) above
Part 3. Processing information.
A. City/Town/Village of Birth
Current Occupation
Your Mother's First Name
Your Father's First Name
Give your name exactly as it appears on your Arrival-Departure Record (Form
I-94) 照葫芦画瓢,入境时 I-94 卡写错了这里就错填。
Place of Last Entry Into the United States (City/State) 看你的 I-94 卡或护照
Were you inspected by a U.S. Immigration Officer?
[Yes] 除非你是坐船或者游泳偷渡来的美国,没给 I-94 卡。
再说了,又不是 search 你,是 inspect,有什么害怕的?
In what status did you last enter? (Visitor, student, exchange alien,
crewman, temporary worker, without inspection, etc.)
这又是选择题,在给出的答案中挑一个正确的。有的同学填 F1,H4,也没有任何问
以 AP 入境的参考这里。
Nonimmigrant Visa Number 签证纸上右下部的红色号码,不是右上的 Control Number
Consulate Where Visa Was Issued
Date Visa Was Issued (mm/dd/yyyy)
加拿大的同学因为免签,填 "N/A". 以 AP 入境的参考这里。
Marital Status:
Have you ever before applied for permanent resident status in the U.S.?
[No] 你没有填过 I-485
[Yes] 你填过,并请注明交于何中心及批复结果。
若不幸被拒,"Petition #LIN1234567890 filed on mm/dd/yyyy at NSC was denied
若还在等待,"Petition #LIN1234567890 filed on mm/dd/yyyy at NSC is pending
日期都是 Receipt Date,没有收据则用寄出日期。
B. List your present husband/wife, all of your sons and daughters
尚未成家的同学,和尚未准备成家的同学,在第一个 Family Name 的地方填 [None]
,这个问题就可以 pass 掉了。脱家带口的请接着望下瞧。
Family Name
Given Name
Middle Initial [N/A]
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
Country of Birth
Relationship 一栏又是选择题,从 Husband, Wife, Son, Daughter 中挑。(吃不准
A #: 参见上面同样的问题。
Applying with you? [Yes] 如果该家庭成员的 I-485 跟你的在同一个信封中。
为什么会不一起申请 I-485 呢?1) 在美国生的孩子自动是公民,当然不用了;2) 领
导想晚些时候再交 I-485,免得现在就有“移民倾向”;3) Follow to join.
C. List your present and past membership in or affiliation with every
organization, association, fund, foundation, party, club, society, or
similar group in the United States or in other places since your 16th
birthday. Include any foreign military service in this part. If none, write
"None." Include the name(s) of organization(s), location(s), dates of
membership from and to, and the nature of the organization(s).
注意:包括入伍,16 岁之前不算。
填了 CCP,就肯定拿不到绿卡了?--Nonsense.
如果填了是 CCP,你也许要准备一下怎么来解释。这里有封样板信。
还有同学问他的 IEEE 填不填,老师说 "填 "。(老师填了 SFN, SAPPA, NYAS, PS
etc 因不仅限于政治团体)
连 AAA 也没有的同学,填 [None]。有位同学忘了填,留了空,不巧又没收到 RFE,
结果 I-485 被拒。教训呀!
下一页,老师没有一个选 [Yes] 的。
1. Have you ever, in or outside the United States:
a. Knowingly committed any crime of moral turpitude or a drug-related
offense for which you have not been arrested?
b. been arrested, cited, charged, indicted, fined or imprisoned for breaking
or violating any law or ordinance, excluding traffic violations?
听好了,拿过 ticket 的同学,不管是 parking ticket,还是 moving violation,
通通选 [x] No。
c. Been the beneficiary of a pardon, amnesty, rehabilitation decree, other
act of clemency, or similar action?
d. Exercised diplomatic immunity to avoid prosecution for a criminal offense
in the United States?
2. Have you received public assistance in the United States from any source,
including ...
有个同学问:我拿过 WIC,填不填?老师认为不填也罢。
3. Have you ever:
a. Within the past ten years been a prostitute or procured anyone for
prostitution, or intend to engage in such activities in the future?
b. Engaged in any unlawful commercialized vice, including, but not limited
to, illegal gambling?
c. Knowingly encouraged, induced, assisted, abetted, or aided any alien to
try to enter the United States illegally?
d. Illicitly trafficked in any controlled substance, or knowingly assisted,
abetted, or colluded in the illicit trafficking of any controlled substance?
4. Have you ever engaged in, conspired to engage in, or do you intend to
engage in, or have you ever solicited membership or funds for, or have you
through any means ever assisted or provided any type of material support to
any person or organization that has ever engaged or conspired to engage in
sabotage, kidnapping, political assassination, hijacking, or any other form
of terrorist activity?
5. Do you intend to engage in the United States in:
a. Espionage?
b. Any activity a purpose of which is opposition to, or the control or
overthrow of, the Government of the United States, by force, violence, or
other unlawful means?
c. Any activity to violate or evade any law prohibiting the export from the
United States of goods, technology, or sensitive information?
6. Have you ever been a member of, or in any way affiliated with, the
Communist Party or any other totalitarian party?
老师说过不知道了。这里有金同学提供的一个 link,值得一看。
7. Did you, during the period from March 23, 1933, to May 8, 1945, in
association with either the Nazi Government of Germany or any organization
or government associated or allied with the Nazi Government of Germany, ever
order, incite, assist, or otherwise participate in the persecution of any
person because of race, religion, national origin, or political opinion?
8. Have you EVER been deported from the United States, or removed from the
United States at government expense, excluded within the past year, or are
you now in exclusion, deportation, removal, or rescission proceedings?
9. Are you under a final order of civil penalty for violating section 274C
of the Immigration and Nationality Act for use of fraudulent documents or
have you, by fraud or willful misrepresentation of a material fact, ever
sought to procure, or procured, a visa, other documentation, entry into the
United States, or any immigration benefit?
10. Have you EVER left the United States to avoid being drafted into the U.S
. Armed Forces?
11. Have you EVER been a J nonimmigrant exchange visitor who was subject to
the 2-year foreign residence requirement and have not yet complied with that
requirement or obtained a waiver?
如果你的答案是 Yes,老师劝你就别交 I-485了.
不曾是 J 的同学直接答No. 完成了回国服务两年的同学,写 "No (complied from
1999/06 to 2001/07)". 申请了豁免的同学写 "No (I-612 included)".
有关豁免参见“J-1 及两年豁免”。
12. Are you now withholding custody of a U.S. citizen child outside the
United States from a person granted custody of the child?
13. Do you plan to practice polygamy in the United States?
14. Have you EVER ordered, incited, called for, committed, assisted, helped
with, or otherwise participated in any of the following:
a. Acts involving torture or genocide?
b. Killing any person?
c. Intentionally and severely injuring any person?
d. Engaging in any kind of sexual contact or relations with any person who
15. Have you EVER:
a. Served in, been a member of, assisted in, or participated in any military
unit, paramilitary unit, police unit, self-defense unit, vigilante unit,
rebel group, guerrilla group, militia, or insurgent organization?
b. Served in any prison, jail, prison camp, detention facility, labor camp,
or any other situation that involved detaining persons?
16. Have you EVER been a member of, assisted in, or participated in any
group, unit, or organization of any kind in which you or other persons used
any type of weapon against any person or threatened to do so?
17. Have you EVER assisted or participated in selling or providing weapons
to any person who to your knowledge used them against another person, or in
transporting weapons to any person who to your knowledge used them against
another person?
18. Have you EVER received any type of military, paramilitary, or weapons
Part 4. Accommodations for Individuals With Disabilities and/or Impairments
Are you requesting an accommodation because of your disability(ies) and/or
impairment(s)? 勾 "No"
Part 5. Signature
勾 "I can read and understand English, and I have read and understand each
and every question and instruction on this form, as well as my answer to
each question."
Part 6. Signature of Person Preparing Form
好了,take 五分钟的 break。然后接着谈 G-325 的问题。
发帖数: 1058


【在 b****j 的大作中提到】
: 手把手帮着填 I-485 和 G-325A
: - pjiang -
: 移民局又开闸了,于是大伙儿全来趟这浑水。不管是 140 还没填的,抑或是 pending
: 的,更不要说批了的了,尤其是七月二号没赶上车的,大家一齐冲向 485 高地。
: 485 填表战,又开始了!
: 有的同学过于紧张,简单的问题也不敢把握,向白老师 (xiaobaitu, 呢称 XBT, 又称
: 小白兔 JJ 或 小白兔 MM) 求助的贴子是满天飞呀!就象北京春天的柳絮。
: 老师和系主任咬过好几次耳朵,建议挂个咨询公司的牌子,向白老师问一个问题的收一
: 毛钱,"在线等"的算 Premium Service 多收五分。系主任胆子太小,今天老师还说
: ,我们动手罢!他却总说道No!——这是洋话,你们不懂的。否则早已发了。

发帖数: 224
50 to your account, thanks


【在 b****j 的大作中提到】
: 手把手帮着填 I-485 和 G-325A
: - pjiang -
: 移民局又开闸了,于是大伙儿全来趟这浑水。不管是 140 还没填的,抑或是 pending
: 的,更不要说批了的了,尤其是七月二号没赶上车的,大家一齐冲向 485 高地。
: 485 填表战,又开始了!
: 有的同学过于紧张,简单的问题也不敢把握,向白老师 (xiaobaitu, 呢称 XBT, 又称
: 小白兔 JJ 或 小白兔 MM) 求助的贴子是满天飞呀!就象北京春天的柳絮。
: 老师和系主任咬过好几次耳朵,建议挂个咨询公司的牌子,向白老师问一个问题的收一
: 毛钱,"在线等"的算 Premium Service 多收五分。系主任胆子太小,今天老师还说
: ,我们动手罢!他却总说道No!——这是洋话,你们不懂的。否则早已发了。

发帖数: 2414
1 (共1页)
再问mycasetracker读图问题。。。多谢了485填表急问,OPT在哪个CIS office批准的?
update: 竟然更狗血的发生了!interview之后文件丢了!i-485 form part 2, application type
请问现在什么membership对Eb1类申请有用?An urgent question for I-485 Form
50个包子求485翻译(part 3 C 1-18)EB1a I140 pending的状态下 485的application type怎么选啊?
分享--给母亲申请绿卡(III 面试)EB1A I140 PP NSC 被REF了
3月份刚刚变成绿卡 之前一直是F1 non-resident 报2011年的税 关 (转载)485, 765, G-325A填表问题请教
485, 765, 131 填表疑问(已经考古过了)跪求解答
急求关于I-485表格提交后移民局让修改的问题求助 EB1B 收到USCIS 通知
话题: states话题: united话题: any话题: ever话题: 同学