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Immigration版 - What does this mean? from my laywer.
推荐信里面怎么说original contribution什么算self citation
看了律师改的推荐信,郁闷了,没信心了怎么找CNKI里的cite 数目呢?
哈哈,LINJI又出名了any comment to make if the paper is cited by book chapters?
从刘姥姥的网站看,他的成功案例,要求审稿不是特别多EB1A RFE Approved - 附基本情况介绍 - officer XM1290
PL里关于journal的排名可以JCR和SJR混用吗?Re: EB1A NSC PP 二进宫 引用 97 直接Approved
TSC EB1A I-140 Day 15 RFE请问你们是这么统计citation的嚒
NSC non-pp Eb1b 140 approved within 2 months新手弱问Exhibit,citation及其他
话题: letter话题: what话题: laywer话题: citing话题: work
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 719
While a citing article can certainly augment an independent letter, that is
not always the case.
For instance, a letter that mentions a major influence on the author’s own
work tied to a citing article that gives only a passing reference to the
client’s case undermines the credibility of the letter.
Not all influenced need be cited at this time.
发帖数: 6523
What he said is true.
If you ask a person who cites your paper to write a letter, be truthful in
the wording. If the citation is simple, say simple things in the letter,
otherwise the letter is not trustworthy.
On the other hand, the people who have used your work need not to be the one
who have cited your paper, but you need to prove how or whether they used
your work. They can be independent, as long as they can show that they used
your work. On the other hand, usage of your work in industry is often
provable by those dependent references. Their testimonies are very important
and helpful for your case, despite being dependent.


【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: While a citing article can certainly augment an independent letter, that is
: not always the case.
: For instance, a letter that mentions a major influence on the author’s own
: work tied to a citing article that gives only a passing reference to the
: client’s case undermines the credibility of the letter.
: Not all influenced need be cited at this time.

1 (共1页)
I found out a link to see who's citing our papers.PL里关于journal的排名可以JCR和SJR混用吗?
问一个从web of science查引用数的问题TSC EB1A I-140 Day 15 RFE
问个关于citation report的入门问题NSC non-pp Eb1b 140 approved within 2 months
推荐信里面怎么说original contribution什么算self citation
看了律师改的推荐信,郁闷了,没信心了怎么找CNKI里的cite 数目呢?
哈哈,LINJI又出名了any comment to make if the paper is cited by book chapters?
话题: letter话题: what话题: laywer话题: citing话题: work