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Immigration版 - Laodao please again on Award?
请教一下postdoctoral fellowship award怎么用?EB-1b strategy help
==再请教award证明信的写法EB1A TSC RFE求助兼教训之一- membership
这推荐信能用吗?Can you go back to China (travel outside USA) while your 485 petition is filed and pending?
怎么翻译 "中国高校十大科技进展奖" ?关于Exhibit list
NSC, EB1B, PP, approved问问大家485RFE后多久能批啊?
这种patent能用来claim吗低citation 的烦恼: 一定要一个ciation list 吗?
Best Paper Award证明outstanding research achievementEB1A-140 approval notice sent out after RFE response
话题: award话题: laodao话题: phd话题: mentor话题: name
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 73
I am not sure if I should and how I can claim the Science and Technology
Achievement from the State Education Commission in China.
The issue is that I was not the main awardee but my PhD mentor was. I just
did portion of the actual research work. In fact, I am not sure if my name
was mentioned in the list at all.
What is the strategy of dealing with this, Laodao?
Thanks very much for sharing!!
发帖数: 5158
first go to find out if your name is in the lst,
(usually you will get a certificate for the award, but since you don't know
yet,... hardly optimistic)
if not in the list, then nothing as you don't have any documentary evidence,
the best is having a letter from your phd mentor, but again
how to explain that you are not on the list.


【在 c******1 的大作中提到】
: I am not sure if I should and how I can claim the Science and Technology
: Achievement from the State Education Commission in China.
: The issue is that I was not the main awardee but my PhD mentor was. I just
: did portion of the actual research work. In fact, I am not sure if my name
: was mentioned in the list at all.
: What is the strategy of dealing with this, Laodao?
: Thanks very much for sharing!!

发帖数: 73
BTW, I am not planning to claim this separately but to use this to add
strength to original contribution.
I bet you that my name is not in the list even though I made some actual
contributions - All my PhD and MSc colleagues did the same thing, and the
PhD mentor claimed the honor.
Could I get some PDFs to show the award existed, and my relationship with
the PhD mentor to demonstrate?
发帖数: 5158


【在 c******1 的大作中提到】
: BTW, I am not planning to claim this separately but to use this to add
: strength to original contribution.
: I bet you that my name is not in the list even though I made some actual
: contributions - All my PhD and MSc colleagues did the same thing, and the
: PhD mentor claimed the honor.
: Could I get some PDFs to show the award existed, and my relationship with
: the PhD mentor to demonstrate?

发帖数: 1390
can/did you goto the award website to search the award and find out if your
name in the qward.
发帖数: 73
I don't know if there is a website for me to check it out for Science and
Technology Achievement from the State Education Commission in China.
I would appreciate it very much if anbody can post a weblink here.


【在 b****M 的大作中提到】
: can/did you goto the award website to search the award and find out if your
: name in the qward.

发帖数: 5158

【在 c******1 的大作中提到】
: I don't know if there is a website for me to check it out for Science and
: Technology Achievement from the State Education Commission in China.
: I would appreciate it very much if anbody can post a weblink here.
: Thanks!!
: your

发帖数: 1390

【在 c******1 的大作中提到】
: I don't know if there is a website for me to check it out for Science and
: Technology Achievement from the State Education Commission in China.
: I would appreciate it very much if anbody can post a weblink here.
: Thanks!!
: your

发帖数: 3030
没有证书, 一切都无从谈起。


【在 c******1 的大作中提到】
: I am not sure if I should and how I can claim the Science and Technology
: Achievement from the State Education Commission in China.
: The issue is that I was not the main awardee but my PhD mentor was. I just
: did portion of the actual research work. In fact, I am not sure if my name
: was mentioned in the list at all.
: What is the strategy of dealing with this, Laodao?
: Thanks very much for sharing!!

1 (共1页)
中国的学位要不要评估?NSC, EB1B, PP, approved
H1B 的绿卡批了,H4的还在pending,请问H4的status这种patent能用来claim吗
呼唤并欢迎LAODA555 和其他老ID 常来班上坐一坐Best Paper Award证明outstanding research achievement
Eb1A + PP DIY 10天 分享请教大牛rfe
请教一下postdoctoral fellowship award怎么用?EB-1b strategy help
==再请教award证明信的写法EB1A TSC RFE求助兼教训之一- membership
这推荐信能用吗?Can you go back to China (travel outside USA) while your 485 petition is filed and pending?
怎么翻译 "中国高校十大科技进展奖" ?关于Exhibit list
话题: award话题: laodao话题: phd话题: mentor话题: name