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I140版 - Senator 给我的回信 (转载)
petition letter 里的一个问题
2014FY H1B名额用完
Parents stay exceeds permitted period, any affect on citizenship application?
Need sample letter to senator
Senator 2 给我的回信 (转载)
Senator 给我的回信
Response from Senator Menendez - NJ
路透社 H1B to 110,000 Factbox: Major provisions of Senate immigration reform bill By Richard Cowan |
请问 宾州买手枪需要什么手续以及licenses 阿
Jeb Bush反对给非法移民公民身份
话题: reform话题: create
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 460
【 以下文字转载自 Immigration 讨论区 】
发信人: aeneng (岛主), 信区: Immigration
标 题: Senator 给我的回信
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Sep 14 21:04:02 2011, 美东)
Dear Dr. ***,
Thank you for contacting me to express your support for changes in the
immigration system . Your opinion is very important to me, and I
appreciate the opportunity to respond to you about this critical issue .
You will be pleased to know that I recently introduce d a comprehensive
immigration reform bill, which specifically addresses a number of your
proposed changes . Among other proposals , this legislation includes the
recapture provision which provides that unused visa numbers in a given year
will "roll over" to the next fiscal year , and it exempts immediate
relatives from the cap on the number of immigrant visas. It also
reclassifies the spouse and dependent children of legal permanent residents
to the "immediate relative" category. Furthermore, it increases the
immigration limits per country for family-based immigration from 7 to 15
percent of total admissions and eliminates the employment-based caps.
I believe we can create reform in a safe, orderly, and legal process that
preserves the promise of America for all. It can create a pathway towards
citizenship, make the process for receiving green cards more efficient, and
create employment systems that are both business and family friendly.
I have continuously worked with my colleagues to create and pass legislation
that would enhance border security, while also providing a legitimate way
for the estimated 12 million undocumented workers to come out of the shadows
and earn United States citizenship. These undocumented workers should pass
a series of strict and critical benchmarks, such as paying fines, learning
English, and waiting at the back of the citizenship line behind those who
have pursued legal means of attaining citizenship.
I believe this legislation provides concrete proposals which we can build
upon. We must persistently advocate for the enactment of comprehensive
immigration reform since it is the ultimate solution to our nation's broken
immigration system. In addition to working for comprehensive immigration
reform, I will look for opportunities to pursue independent reforms that
would help businesses and families during this Congress.
1 (共1页)
Jeb Bush反对给非法移民公民身份
Reid还说过这个:No sane country would do birth right!
Help please. feeling sick
奥8"in the back of the line" 指的是谁?
CNN-key republican talking about immigration reform
民主党和共和党的 CIR立场比较
GOP顶不住了:Key GOP House chairman open to citizenship path
USCIS to be overwhelmed later this year
麻州念MS如何享受in state tuition
话题: reform话题: create