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HouseRental版 - 短期出租,6月初到9月初,one-bedroom aparmtent in Princeton
短期出租。NJ/Lawrence (near Princeton)1br apt.in great location of SUNNYVALE
求女生合租或单独的studio,在Trenton, Lawrence或Princeton, NJ1br apt.in great location of SUNNYVALE
Avalon Run E合租 Lawrence Twp, NJ 08648 2室2厅2卫 Townhousshare a 2 bed/2 bath aptment at Santa Clara CA
One Room for rent in Chinatown, NY【出租】硅谷(南湾)2br之一,$840/月
Framingham-MA one bedroom apartment for sublease硅谷南湾中心区域出租房一间(限女性)
Female Roommate to Share Nice 2b2b Malden Center Aparmtment $700Sublease one room in Santa clara (close to lawrence and I-2
find a roommate to share a Harvard apartmentsouth bay area:求take over lease我们愿意compensate!
1br IN SUNNYVALE(94086) AVAILABLE on 01/01/08 OR EARLYwest San Jose附近, 寻合租人 $400/月
话题: princeton话题: 月初话题: aparmtent话题: bedroom话题: 短期
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3
短期出租:one-bedroom apartment
address: 1 Lawrence Drive, Princeton, NJ, 08540
time: June 7 to Sep 4, 2009.
rent: $980+electric per month
1) utilities: you pay the electric only, around $30
2) fully furnished
3) kitchen with appliance
4) shuttle stop (to university main campus)
5) laundry in the building
6) plenty of parking
7) air conditioning
8) Princeton wired and wireless internet (free)
9) Pets not allowed and no smoking in the building
Must be affiliated with princeton university, per universi
1 (共1页)
west San Jose附近, 寻合租人 $400/月Framingham-MA one bedroom apartment for sublease
San Francisco Bay Area 2BR/1.5BA CondoFemale Roommate to Share Nice 2b2b Malden Center Aparmtment $700
San Francisco Bay Area 2BR/1.5BA Condofind a roommate to share a Harvard apartment
湾区(加州)San Jose 2居室房间1br IN SUNNYVALE(94086) AVAILABLE on 01/01/08 OR EARLY
短期出租。NJ/Lawrence (near Princeton)1br apt.in great location of SUNNYVALE
求女生合租或单独的studio,在Trenton, Lawrence或Princeton, NJ1br apt.in great location of SUNNYVALE
Avalon Run E合租 Lawrence Twp, NJ 08648 2室2厅2卫 Townhousshare a 2 bed/2 bath aptment at Santa Clara CA
One Room for rent in Chinatown, NY【出租】硅谷(南湾)2br之一,$840/月
话题: princeton话题: 月初话题: aparmtent话题: bedroom话题: 短期