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HongKong版 - Slide and Youtube briefing the earthquake and donation methods
大家知道香港的楼抗震程度如何?????Slide and Youtube briefing the earthquake and donation meth
Dandelionalaska 7.4 earthquake, brief tsunami warning
Slide and Youtube briefing the earthquake and donation methods到底是科罗拉多地震还是弗吉尼亚地震
Slide and Youtube briefing the earthquake and donation methodsRe: 大吼一声, 到底怎么让老外捐?
Slide and Youtube briefing the earthquake and donation methodsRe: 大吼一声, 到底怎么让老外捐?
Slides help to brief the earthquake situation and donation methodsNuclear power and earthquake zones overlap in the U.S. (转载)
PPT Slide to help briefing the current earthquake situation and donation methods两个offer去哪一个
Slide and Youtube briefing the earthquake and donation methEARTHQUAKE WARNING
话题: youtube话题: briefing话题: slide话题: earthquake话题: methods
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 171
I created the attached powerpoint slides to help briefing the current
terrible situation of China earthquake. The possible donation methods are
also included. Please feel free to update and forward it to your colleague
and friends.
Your generosity could mean life to those in desperate need. Every hand
counts! Every dollar counts!
I really appreciate your kindness and warm heart!
1 (共1页)
EARTHQUAKE WARNINGSlide and Youtube briefing the earthquake and donation methods
Qinghai 7.1 earthquakeSlides help to brief the earthquake situation and donation methods
earthquake?PPT Slide to help briefing the current earthquake situation and donation methods
【NOTICE】What to Do Before an EarthquakeSlide and Youtube briefing the earthquake and donation meth
大家知道香港的楼抗震程度如何?????Slide and Youtube briefing the earthquake and donation meth
Dandelionalaska 7.4 earthquake, brief tsunami warning
Slide and Youtube briefing the earthquake and donation methods到底是科罗拉多地震还是弗吉尼亚地震
Slide and Youtube briefing the earthquake and donation methodsRe: 大吼一声, 到底怎么让老外捐?
话题: youtube话题: briefing话题: slide话题: earthquake话题: methods