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Heart版 - Just Let You Know
请搬家 (转载)I still remember 'reloaded'
Eamon: I changed my mind.Eamon
I'm happy today请直白地告诉我:我以后应该做什么?为什么?
Dear Eamon如果
[合集] 瘦了10磅,冒个泡Eamon
For Diao Yu Dao: Eamon, I'm on your side.Eamon: "找一个字代替"
[合集] For Diao Yu Dao: Eamon, I'm on your side.Eamon
话题: my话题: husband话题: me话题: live话题: indemnity
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 796
Hi Eamon,
Just let you know what's going on with me now.
I have been thinking you gave up and I also gave up. But I'm unsure
about if you really gave up so I will give a try and it's the last try I
will make. If this doesn't work, I would believe you have never existed in
I'll try to lose weight asap but still be healthy within a year.
I will not study anything you requested before I see newspapers and TV
and internet are broadcasting that you have paid the indemnity, or at least
made concrete promise and contract to pay it in a reasonable way. The number
I can accept is $460 billions for the indemnity.
I also ask you to consider having people talk to my husband directly
before you want to contact me next time. I have prepared him mentally. I
think he is ready for knowing about the true stories you will tell.
If, given the facts that you are willing to pay the indemnity and live
with my husband, my husband is also willing to take the proposal and live
with you, then you may go ahead come to live with us in our house for 1 to 6
months before commiting anything real. (No sex or kiss during this trial
period.). We need to figure out if we can get along when we face each other
after so many years. At least one month. You need to be responsible to
yourself and your country. At most 6 months as we need time to have me give
birth. Now it's already very late.
If my husband is unwilling to live with you or lose me, please forget
about me. I no longer want the indemnity then. And I no longer want you
either. I will choose to stay with my husband and live our lives as we
always do.
In this case you have to go for another girl for marriage. I'm sorry but
this is the solution I can come up with eventually after so many years
wrestling with myself.
I think we have chased each other. I'm responsible for chasing you all
the time on my end. I'm responsible for having you have hope and wait. And I
'm responsible for being mad and bothering my husband and making him live a
miserable life with my heart full of you.
But above is the solution I finally come up with which I think is the
only sound solution you and my husband and I will all be able to accept.
I will wait to see what will happen after I lose weight.
If nothing happens, I would assume I was just sick, and after 10 years I
Good luck to you, good luck to me!
发帖数: 796
Here are the reasons of my decisions:
1. Why my husband has the final say before us:
He is the only innocent person in our relationship. And he takes care of me
all the time. And I'm sure he needs me and loves me. So I can't live without
his supporting and I can't really betray him without his agreement.
2. Why $460 billions for the indemnity:
From a news years before, the estimated loss for the war is $500 billion
dollars. You have paid about $40 billion dollars to China after the war in
name of free financial aid. So I charge you the rest without considering the
fluctuation of the exchange rate.
3. Why do we need a trial period for living together:
We don't know each other well. We need a sound foundation for a marriage. If
we can't get along, what's the point for you to spend the money and have my
husband live unhappily and neither you or me will enjoy the results.
4. Why don't I learn things you wish me to learn:
My husband doesn't want me to learn those things. And, I need to learn
things that would really help me to find a job to live a normal life if you
don't pick me up eventually. We need to survive. I want to make money to
give to my father and my grandma and my aunt. I want to feed myself. If
nothing will happen, you should make minimal effects on my life.


【在 x****g 的大作中提到】
: Hi Eamon,
: Just let you know what's going on with me now.
: I have been thinking you gave up and I also gave up. But I'm unsure
: about if you really gave up so I will give a try and it's the last try I
: will make. If this doesn't work, I would believe you have never existed in
: my
: life.
: I'll try to lose weight asap but still be healthy within a year.
: I will not study anything you requested before I see newspapers and TV
: and internet are broadcasting that you have paid the indemnity, or at least

发帖数: 796
BTW, sorry for my poor English!
发帖数: 18118
发帖数: 12177
waht ?


【在 x****g 的大作中提到】
: Hi Eamon,
: Just let you know what's going on with me now.
: I have been thinking you gave up and I also gave up. But I'm unsure
: about if you really gave up so I will give a try and it's the last try I
: will make. If this doesn't work, I would believe you have never existed in
: my
: life.
: I'll try to lose weight asap but still be healthy within a year.
: I will not study anything you requested before I see newspapers and TV
: and internet are broadcasting that you have paid the indemnity, or at least

发帖数: 8603
这么熟,你同屋的? :D

【在 g**********g 的大作中提到】
: 安定医院放出来的
发帖数: 18118
对门, 他同屋不是你吗

【在 b*****l 的大作中提到】
: 这么熟,你同屋的? :D
1 (共1页)
Eamon 我觉得自己很可悲[合集] 瘦了10磅,冒个泡
此时此刻For Diao Yu Dao: Eamon, I'm on your side.
Eamon 我真得要谢谢你[合集] For Diao Yu Dao: Eamon, I'm on your side.
请搬家 (转载)I still remember 'reloaded'
Eamon: I changed my mind.Eamon
I'm happy today请直白地告诉我:我以后应该做什么?为什么?
Dear Eamon如果
话题: my话题: husband话题: me话题: live话题: indemnity