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Headline版 - Mitt Romney让人失望
关于‘族裔优先’招生政策的八个常见误区 (转载)在中国讲错一句话 美国副总统拜登忙着灭火
沙龙吃婴儿漫画(还可以看到)引发外交纠纷罗姆尼拒绝公布5年纳税情况 将公布2011年数据
美国歌星逃过智利地震 twitter描述惊险场景(图)Walesa proclaims solidarity with Mitt瓦文萨力挺Mitt
多市同性恋游行组织讨论禁止团体参加 惹争议Romney Is Right About the Palestinians
曝光林志玲出道前的三级艳照 身材相当有料(组图)华人在以色列被禁止交配 (转载)
网曝林志玲出道前艳照 穿比基尼拉大提琴(图)华人在以色列被禁止交配
林志玲派新年福利 披性感薄纱化身冰雪女王在以色列务工中国人:不得与以色列人发生性关系
明星保镖暴打将军之子!?被宠坏的明星们摊上大事儿了…华人在以色列被禁止交配 (转载)
话题: he话题: capita话题: romney话题: culture话题: gdp
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 498
本来还挺看好他的。can't believe he is so ignorant
"As you come here and you see the GDP per capita, for instance, in Israel
which is about $21,000 dollars, and compare that with the GDP per capita
just across the areas managed by the Palestinian authority, which is more
like $10,000 per capita, you notice such a dramatically stark difference in
economic vitality," he said.
He drew parallels between other neighboring countries with such economic
disparities, such as Chile and Ecuador and Mexico and the United States, and
noted his interest, as a former businessman, in determining the source of
those gaps. He also referred to the book "The Wealth and Poverty of Nations,
" which concludes that culture plays key role in success of nations.
"Culture makes all the difference," Romney told Israeli donors on Monday. "
And as I come here and I look out over this city and consider the
accomplishments of the people of this nation, I recognize the power of at
least culture and a few other things."
1 (共1页)
华人在以色列被禁止交配 (转载)曝光林志玲出道前的三级艳照 身材相当有料(组图)
巴勒斯坦人拿刀伤人,然后CNN说:你们以色列人怎么可以带枪呢网曝林志玲出道前艳照 穿比基尼拉大提琴(图)
Israeli parliament suspends Arab MPs who met attackers' kin林志玲派新年福利 披性感薄纱化身冰雪女王
关于‘族裔优先’招生政策的八个常见误区 (转载)在中国讲错一句话 美国副总统拜登忙着灭火
沙龙吃婴儿漫画(还可以看到)引发外交纠纷罗姆尼拒绝公布5年纳税情况 将公布2011年数据
美国歌星逃过智利地震 twitter描述惊险场景(图)Walesa proclaims solidarity with Mitt瓦文萨力挺Mitt
多市同性恋游行组织讨论禁止团体参加 惹争议Romney Is Right About the Palestinians
话题: he话题: capita话题: romney话题: culture话题: gdp