Norihiko Shirouzu, Train Makers Rail Against China's High-Speed Designs.
Wall Steet Journal, Nov. 18, 2010.
("High-speed rail was pioneered in post-war Japan in the 1950s and early
1960s with the construction of the Shinkansen")
My comment:
(a) There is a slideshow online but not in the print.
(b) The report mentions the iconic bullet train "Hayate, or 'fresh breeze.'"
(i) hayate 早手 (n): "squall; gale; hurricane"
Jim Breen's online Japanese dictionary.
(ii) Hayate (train)
(c) Yoshiyuki KASAI 河西 良幸
(d) Central Japan Railway Company
(abbreviation JR Central; 東海旅客鉄道株式会社, which is shortened as JR東海
; a railway company headquartered at Nagoya)