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HUST版 - IE PhD student position is available
Cong~~~Gougou shixiong~~~~~~Job openings
迈阿密大学全奖博士生又有一个Job openings
University of Miami PHD openingIE PhD student position is available
Software Engineers/Web Developers needed in Baltimore MD (转载)IE PhD student position is available
向现在加州读Engineering的师兄师姐求助IE PhD student position is available
湾区或硅谷有software engineering/tesing的强化训练班吗?IE PhD student position is available
攒人品,贴job openingIE PhD student position is available
招人:飞机的Structural engineer,在加拿大 (转载)IE PhD student position is available
话题: industrial话题: strong话题: statistics话题: ie
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 134
One RA/TA position is available starting from January 2009 (or August 2009)
in the Department of Industrial Engineering at University of Miami. Students
with a Master's degree in Industrial Engineering, Statistics, Computer
Science or other Engineering disciplines with strong statistics background
and programming skills are encouraged to apply. People with engineering
background will be considered with priority. The student should have a
strong interest in learning and a strong motivation to pur
1 (共1页)
IE PhD student position is available向现在加州读Engineering的师兄师姐求助
IE PhD student position is available湾区或硅谷有software engineering/tesing的强化训练班吗?
IE PhD student position is available攒人品,贴job opening
IE PhD student position is available招人:飞机的Structural engineer,在加拿大 (转载)
Cong~~~Gougou shixiong~~~~~~Job openings
迈阿密大学全奖博士生又有一个Job openings
University of Miami PHD openingIE PhD student position is available
Software Engineers/Web Developers needed in Baltimore MD (转载)IE PhD student position is available
话题: industrial话题: strong话题: statistics话题: ie