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HNU版 - “girls
关于最近美国达拉斯枪击案之我见 (转载)美国人太误解中国的文化了!! (转载)
中央1号文件,向人民报告毛时代官员有没有 46个情妇46处房?
Out of Hu's Window山东副省长贪90亿美元
到钓鱼岛捕鱼以后要常态化老将们来说说SPOA和PPIA吧 (转载)
3rd CT/NJ/NY Tennis Event: Inaugural TRI-STATE CHINESE TENN外国牛人挖出:百元人民币上竟有这样的“密码”!(图)
苏格兰内阁今天讨论同性婚姻Long Live Chairman Mao
Tennis Championship Event 10/8/2011毛对基辛格说“送你们一千万中国女人”的原文
2016届CMG “Match Day” Ceremony及新生见面会原来吴三桂既害死了自己的父亲,又害死了自己的儿子. 还有这样的例子吗?
话题: china话题: my话题: world话题: love话题: peace
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 108
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is my pleasure to be here with you today. I trust that you are eager to
grow up, to take responsibility for yourself and this lovely world. So I don
’t want to greet you as “girls and boys”. Chairman Mao said to the youth
of China, “The world belongs to us and you, you are the sunrise, and it
finally belongs to you”. My name is Dr. Junfei Hu. I am from the home
country of Chairman Mao.
Today, my topic is “love-hope-peace”
Forty years ago, I was born in a village in South China. When I was 6 years
old, I moved to a city in Northern China. Later, I studied in both the old
capital city in the North and South China and came to know the people in
both areas. I fully understand the differences between those who have
immigrated to the area and the local people and seen how wonderful it can be
, how they can create friendships after a period of playing together.
Love is fundamental to being human. During our long history, we have evolved
our modern society, developed powerful machines and tools, many of which
have alleviated the problems of hunger, housing, employment, and poverty.
Although we have achieved a lot, there is still much to be done. There are
still people suffering throughout the world. The only way we can move
forward is by love-hope-peace. With love, we respect the differences among
different cultures. With hope, we have motivation to improve. With peace, we
are more healthy. The modern powerful communication tools support this
Of course, wars still continue. How I’ve wished that in my generation the
army could only show up on ceremonial days. No more war from now on. I am
looking forward to achieving this change in your land and throughout the
world. Please say hello to your new friend.
Although my life is short in contrast with thousands of years of history, I
am sure my small step is worth a try. Do you? Are you ready to take the
first step toward creating a world of peace. I hope so.
1 (共1页)
原来吴三桂既害死了自己的父亲,又害死了自己的儿子. 还有这样的例子吗?3rd CT/NJ/NY Tennis Event: Inaugural TRI-STATE CHINESE TENN
元首什么时候成了希特勒的专称?Tennis Championship Event 10/8/2011
刚才不小心把Chinaman 看成了Chairman, 又联想到了Chairman Mao。 想起小时候英语课第一堂课就是学Chairman Mao, Long Live Chairman Mao!2016届CMG “Match Day” Ceremony及新生见面会
关于最近美国达拉斯枪击案之我见 (转载)美国人太误解中国的文化了!! (转载)
中央1号文件,向人民报告毛时代官员有没有 46个情妇46处房?
Out of Hu's Window山东副省长贪90亿美元
到钓鱼岛捕鱼以后要常态化老将们来说说SPOA和PPIA吧 (转载)
话题: china话题: my话题: world话题: love话题: peace