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GunsAndGears版 - 尼玛CT决定ban 半自动步枪了 (转载)
没买AR/AK的,得赶紧了Belgian city after deadly rampage asks 'Why?
Deadly rampage at N.Y. immigrant center, 12 people are dead based on CNN人在加州san jose,怎么学handgun?
ZT: Respnse Time in El Paso, Texas, 注:血腥步枪如何家防?最近尼格在我们住宅区周围疯狂作案。
问个问题some of my thoughts in the recent event
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【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: 尼玛CT决定ban 半自动步枪了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Mar 3 11:19:39 2014, 美东)
果然是温水煮青蛙, liberal一点一点收紧他们的套索.
EDITORIAL: Connecticut gun owners revolt
Widely flouted registration law puts legislators in a bind
Laws are more than just symbolic gestures. Connecticut's General Assembly
must come to grips with this truth before its recent effort to “save lives
” ends up destroying them.
State law enforcement officials are now in the difficult position of dealing
with one of the most widely flouted laws since the end of the 55 miles-per-
hour speed limit and Prohibition. If it’s really serious, the state will
have to find space to imprison 300,000 residents for the next five years.
The first article of the Connecticut Constitution couldn’t be more clear.
“Every citizen has a right to bear arms in defense of himself and the state
,” it says.
Busybodies at the Capitol in Hartford decided that “every” doesn’t really
mean every, and it banned the semi-automatic rifles that would be most
useful in defense of the state. As of Jan. 1, owners of arms that have a
menacing appearance had to submit registration paperwork to the state.
Only about 50,000 did so. There’s no way to know how many “assault rifles
” remain unregistered, but the best guess is that the new “gun safety”
law instantly created 300,000 felons.
Eager to exploit the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in
Newtown, easily frightened lawmakers rushed to add yet more hurdles to gun
ownership in the state. Those wishing to possess a pistol already had to pay
fees, take tests and fill out paperwork to obtain a firearms-purchase
Separate permission from the state was required just to buy ammunition in a
process that must be repeated every five years. Bearing arms outside the
home requires another permit that the state may, or may not, issue at its
None of these hurdles prevent crime. The alleged perpetrator of the Newtown
massacre obtained his weapons by murdering his own mother, in violation of
the law. That’s what criminals do.
Reality is of little interest to Connecticut politicians when they’re
intent on making a statement. They thought that they could compel everyone
to think as they do about gun control by threatening those who disagree with
a felony. It didn’t work.
Faced with 300,000 potential offenders, officials must decide whether to
ignore the new law, or enforce it by sending SWAT teams to raid the homes of
anyone suspected of owning the most popular rifle in America, the AR-15.
As author Radley Balko documented in “The Rise of the Warrior Cop,”
sending squads crashing through doors unannounced in the middle of the night
frequently results in death and injury for innocent bystanders.
Even family pets aren’t spared. Rampaging cops in Prince George’s County,
Md., for example, killed Chase and Payton, the gentle Labrador retrievers
belonging to Berwyn Heights Mayor Cheye Calvo. The cops expected to find
drugs in the raid; instead, they terrorized an innocent family.
Repeating similar scenes 300,000 times in Connecticut would create the very
“gun violence” that the misguided registration law was supposed to prevent
. Even if all of these citizens turned themselves in peacefully, it would
bankrupt the state.
Currently, Connecticut’s 15 prisons hold 16,839 behind bars at an annual
cost of $620 million. Full compliance with the gun law would exceed the
entire state budget at $55 billion.
We hope that calmer heads prevail in Hartford. Respect for the law is
essential for society, but this presupposes the laws themselves are worthy
of respect.
The General Assembly must do what Congress did in repealing the speed limit
in 1995 and the states did in ending Prohibition in 1933. If it saves just
one life, it’s worth it.
发帖数: 6011
:D :D :D
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some of my thoughts in the recent eventUT奥斯汀又爆枪案
枪版朋友有没有每年打伤/击毙入屋抢劫的数据?ZT: Respnse Time in El Paso, Texas, 注:血腥
没买AR/AK的,得赶紧了Belgian city after deadly rampage asks 'Why?
Deadly rampage at N.Y. immigrant center, 12 people are dead based on CNN人在加州san jose,怎么学handgun?
话题: law话题: state话题: gun话题: 000