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GunsAndGears版 - Senator Feinstein的回信。
Assault Weapons Ban Lacks Democratic Votes to Pass SenateSenator Feinstein explains why she needs a gun and you don't
买买提论禁枪的都如四分卫二分卫不分却积极和白男讨论football的大妈一般Assault weapons ban dropped from Senate gun control bill
A new bill due to hit this week on magazines onlyHow to Own a NFA Weapon (自动武器)
Dianne Feinstein又要办assault weapon了Gun Owner Saves Cop's Life by Shooting Deranged Gunman
Feinstein的禁枪提案?南加州的注意了~~~Turner's has WASRs AK for $399
Feinstein的new bill, AR/AK owner死后政府收枪请问各位前辈Colt M4 LE6940这把AR如何啊
联系国会,反对加州疯老太太。Two elementary school students arrested for bringing gun to academy
话题: weapons话题: feinstein话题: senator话题: assault话题: right
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1773

Thank you for contacting me to share your opposition to assault weapons
legislation. I respect your opinion on this important issue and welcome the
opportunity to provide my point of view.

Mass shootings are a serious problem in our country, and I have watched this
problem get worse and worse over the 40 years I have been in public life.
From the 1966 shooting rampage at the University of Texas that killed 14
people and wounded 32 others, to the Newtown massacre that killed 20
children and 6 school teachers and faculty, I have seen more and more of
these killings. I have had families tell me that they no longer feel safe
in a mall, in a movie theater, in their business, and in other public places
, because these deadly weapons are so readily available. These assault
weapons too often fall into the hands of grievance killers, juveniles, gangs
, and the deranged.

I recognize that the Second Amendment provides an individual right to bear
arms, but I do not believe that right is unlimited or that it precludes
taking action to prevent mass shootings. Indeed, in the same Supreme Court
decision that recognized the individual right to bear arms, District of
Columbia v. Heller, the Court also held that this right, like other
constitutional rights, is not unlimited. That is why assault weapons bans
have consistently been upheld in the courts, both before and after the
Heller decision. I believe regulation of these weapons is appropriate.

Once again, thank you for your letter. Although we may disagree, I
appreciate hearing from you and will be mindful of your thoughts as the
debate on this issue continues. If you have any additional comments or
questions, please do not hesitate to contact my Washington, D.C. office at (
202) 224-3841.
Sincerely yours,
Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator
发帖数: 21328
Please work harder to eliminate/control grievance killers, juveniles, gangs,
and the deranged.
Don't be lazy and just sacrifice our law abiding people's interests to
achieve your goal
发帖数: 7717
Her last name should be "Frankenstein", hehe.
发帖数: 2201
yes, her proposal will sacrifice our law abiding people's interests, but she
knows very well her so called goal will never be achieved by this means, it
will also reduce the risks for criminals to commit crimes, and who knows
what exactly she has in her mind?


【在 T******g 的大作中提到】
: Please work harder to eliminate/control grievance killers, juveniles, gangs,
: and the deranged.
: Don't be lazy and just sacrifice our law abiding people's interests to
: achieve your goal

发帖数: 2508
that's the whole point, working toward a goal that's impossible to achieve,
what an evergreen career. An old hag with ultimate job security.


【在 h*******g 的大作中提到】
: yes, her proposal will sacrifice our law abiding people's interests, but she
: knows very well her so called goal will never be achieved by this means, it
: will also reduce the risks for criminals to commit crimes, and who knows
: what exactly she has in her mind?
: gangs,

发帖数: 1
Did you just call me an old hag? You ignorant gun totting hillbilly!
1 (共1页)
Two elementary school students arrested for bringing gun to academyFeinstein的禁枪提案?
NRA讲话开始了-还有闹场的Feinstein的new bill, AR/AK owner死后政府收枪
Assault Weapons Ban Lacks Democratic Votes to Pass SenateSenator Feinstein explains why she needs a gun and you don't
买买提论禁枪的都如四分卫二分卫不分却积极和白男讨论football的大妈一般Assault weapons ban dropped from Senate gun control bill
A new bill due to hit this week on magazines onlyHow to Own a NFA Weapon (自动武器)
Dianne Feinstein又要办assault weapon了Gun Owner Saves Cop's Life by Shooting Deranged Gunman
话题: weapons话题: feinstein话题: senator话题: assault话题: right