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今天收到白宫回信USA Today:悲剧过去一周了,我们学到了什么?
痢脖肉要求政府禁止gun appreciation day没买AR/AK的,得赶紧了
Gun Sales Continue to Climb for the Month of January觉得鳌八的目标是禁所有半自动枪械和全面注册
刚去了康州的一个靶场NC,OH,TX,UT教师涌向free gun training classes
Former Education Secretary: Arm Some EmployeesStatement From the NRA Regarding Today's White House Task Force Meeting
美国小学枪案后家长争相买枪自卫 或掀一股购枪潮马里兰的弟兄们要进AW得赶紧了
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发帖数: 402
Guns pour in at L.A. buyback events
Thousands of people line up to exchange guns for supermarket gift cards at
the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena and the Van Nuys Masonic Temple.
By Joe Mozingo and Wesley Lowery, Los Angeles Times
December 26, 2012, 10:34 p.m.
Mall parking lots were packed with after-Christmas shoppers. But nowhere
were the lines longer than at the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena and the
Van Nuys Masonic Temple, where thousands of people came to exchange their
guns for Ralphs gift cards.
Cars queued up for blocks at the drive-through events, with the city giving
cards worth up to $100 for handguns, shotguns and rifles, and up to $200 for
assault weapons. There was a bit of haggling involved, but the guns were
all taken.
"What do you got?" an officer in Van Nuys asked a man in his late twenties
as he pulled up in a green Mazda.
L.A. gun buyback Photos: L.A. gun buyback
N.Y. news site stirs outrage after publishing gun owners' names N.Y.
news site stirs outrage after publishing gun owners' names
Gun sales surge; 3 1/2 years of ammunition magazines sold in 72 hours
Gun sales surge; 3 1/2 years of ammunition magazines sold in 72 hours
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Photos: L.A. gun buyback
"Just one handgun, I've had it since high school," the man replied.
"Will you take $50 for this?"
Many came bearing more than one gun. They pulled 22 pistols from the trunk
of one white Honda, a haul that earned the driver $1,000.
Two men in a pickup truck with two children in the back seat handed over a
rifle, a pistol and a MAC-12, altered with a silencer.
Organizers and some participants credited collective outrage and anguish
over the gun rampage in Newtown, Conn., for the turnout. But motivations
were often a bit more complicated.
"That young guy shot up all the kids and they blamed the mama because the
mama had the weapons in the house," Valerie Butler said, in explaining why
she was waiting in line two hours in South Los Angeles to get rid of an old
Yet Butler, 50, said she was not getting rid of both of her guns.
"Just one," she said, and laughed. "There's a bunch of nuts out here, and
they're coming in when you're sleeping. You got to protect yourself."
Cities across the nation, grasping for ways to react to a series of mass
shootings this year, have organized gun buybacks to get weapons off the
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa pushed the city's annual event from Mother's Day
to Wednesday in reaction to the killing Dec. 14 of 20 children and six
adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown. By the afternoon, the
event had already surpassed the 1,673 guns collected last year, and
officials were scrambling to get more gift cards, which were donated by
Many of the drivers said they were turning in their guns because they rarely
used them and were eager to snag grocery cards.
"If I could get $100 of free groceries, it's worth it," said Charles Edwards
, 60, waiting in line next to his old .22 revolver after driving to Los
Angeles from Fontana. "I wouldn't do it for $40. That's why people are here.
They feel bad about all that's happening, but times are tough."
He still has a shotgun at home. "That's all I need," he said.
Edwards said authorities needed to better organize the buyback so the lines
weren't so long. He watched numerous people sit in line for a spell, then
just drive away, he said. "I thought I could just drop this thing off. They
need to have this move faster."
Most of the weapons recovered were "mom and pop guns," police said —
hunting rifles, shotguns — but they got a few dozen assault weapons as well.
They checked to make sure the guns were empty, and double-checked by pulling
the triggers in clearing barrels — metal rubbish containers filled with
sand. Then they put them into trash containers like bundles of sticks after
a windstorm.
"I had a question, one after another: 'Do we really need this? Does this
really make us safer?' " Villaraigosa said at a news conference at the
Sports Arena. "I say, 'Look, the Police Department is here because they
believe in this program.' "
He said the buyback program had taken in 8,000 guns since it began in 2009
and was just one part of a comprehensive police strategy that has reduced
violent crime in recent years. Police Chief Charlie Beck said it was a
critical component.
One of the first guns collected was a camouflage Bushmaster XM-15, the same
kind of gun used at Sandy Hook Elementary.
But this was one of the rarities. Loretta, 50, from South Los Angeles was
bringing in her great-grandfather's antique rifle — one of them anyway. "I
got the other well-hidden," she said.
Alex Reyes, 47, rode his bike to the Sports Arena from East L.A. with a 68-
year-old, six-shot .38 revolver and a .22 target pistol. He said he came in
to do "a good deed" after the Newtown shooting, getting rid of all of his
weapons. "Just me and Jesus Christ," he said.
Sandra Lefall, 38, came to the site with Newtown heavy in her heart. She had
been thinking about coming since she first heard the awful news. "I'm
bringing in a 9-millimeter handgun because I want to get it out of the house
because I have teenage children. I would hate for them to do what that guy
in Connecticut did."
By 2 p.m. in Van Nuys, the police began telling people they were out of gift
"I'm not giving this away for free," said Sam Ferrell of Reseda as he took a
drag of his cigarette in his truck.
Ferrell said he was hoping to sell his stepson's handgun. "There are too
many kids being killed by these things," he said.
He said he didn't plan to turn in any of his own guns, but that he was glad
his stepson didn't have his.
"I need my gun, but not everyone who has one needs one," he said.
发帖数: 8706
发帖数: 25894
"I need my gun, but not everyone who has one needs one," he said.
发帖数: 5644
只能说加州的有钱人太多。要是自己花钱买的,卖到枪店好歹比这gift card多落下点
发帖数: 11319
这种buy back应该支持,因为黑帮虽然弄黑枪的成本很低,收入也不高。之前看过一个

【在 b******o 的大作中提到】
: 只能说加州的有钱人太多。要是自己花钱买的,卖到枪店好歹比这gift card多落下点
: 。

1 (共1页)
Obama: Gun-control advocates have to listen more刚去了康州的一个靶场
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今天收到白宫回信USA Today:悲剧过去一周了,我们学到了什么?
痢脖肉要求政府禁止gun appreciation day没买AR/AK的,得赶紧了
Gun Sales Continue to Climb for the Month of January觉得鳌八的目标是禁所有半自动枪械和全面注册
话题: said话题: he话题: gun话题: guns话题: angeles