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Gowest版 - ask for some suggestion about transfer
Transfer?I suggest
[转载] 请教博后DS-156表问题,在线等请教:一个关于接受OFFER的问题
请问大侠求助: 谁了解这个专业: Computer Information System
US and UK, what will you choose?Re: 求助: 谁了解这个专业: Computer Information Sy
Re: 关于推荐信的重大问题,急!!!(Urgent)!! transfer
Re: transfer questions请教一些转学问题,谢谢!
Ask for some suggestions on statistics!选校一问
need help on F2-F1!Need some suggestions about the Nutrition major (转载)
话题: transfer话题: ask话题: about话题: my话题: suggestion
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5
I am a first year graduate student in one of the us university and applying
for transfer. I didnt ask for a recommendation letter from the professor here
because of the safty reason. That is to say 3 of my letters are all from
China. However, two of the universities claim that they wont consider my
application unless I have a letter from the director(or the department).
I dont know what to do now. I am really anxious about informing my intend to
transfer. And I doubt that if there is anyone in t
1 (共1页)
Need some suggestions about the Nutrition major (转载)Re: 关于推荐信的重大问题,急!!!
大家给些转学的经验吧Re: transfer questions
请问:Univ.of Michigan的IM硕士无奖去有价值么?Ask for some suggestions on statistics!
H1B petition期间能坐Cruise吗? (转载)need help on F2-F1!
Transfer?I suggest
[转载] 请教博后DS-156表问题,在线等请教:一个关于接受OFFER的问题
请问大侠求助: 谁了解这个专业: Computer Information System
US and UK, what will you choose?Re: 求助: 谁了解这个专业: Computer Information Sy
话题: transfer话题: ask话题: about话题: my话题: suggestion