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Game版 - 跑酷还是太强
双旋风barb问题求教,如何 generate fury?手残吊死野蛮人的福音:Devil's Anvil (老农锄地)build
barb 太 imba 了吧[D2] duping method for closed bnet
Re: 怎么没多少人一起run啊发文悼念我亲爱的
A barb's life8ppl Hell baalrun流程
终于找到一个好项链, 不用再折腾monk了[D2X1.10]随便说说BARB的BUILD
有double tornado barb吗?sigh.今天狂土
d3 progress 上paragon lvl 领先的前20名west-我21级的陷阱冒险者怎么都升不太动了?
话题: ww话题: damage话题: monster话题: power话题: combat
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6452
Community Manager
Run the Like Wind makes WW/double tornado barb a very strong build by
combining multiple benefits into one neat little package: life regeneration,
Fury gain, damage, in-combat mobility, and run speed. It's all there. Ask
just about anyone (or take a look at the posts in these forums) and they'll
tell you WW barbs are incredibly powerful, and it's also one of the first
builds people point to when the word "nerf" is mentioned.
I think most players -- whether they'd admit it publicly or not -- probably
agree that the tornadoes left by sprinting (a skill that provides utility,
huge mobility, and proc effects including Life On Hit and Into The Fray)
shouldn't be so powerful in comparison to other skills that have
restrictions on them. Like Hammer of the Ancients, which requires you to
stand still, swing, and who's soul purpose is to deal damage. We'd like to
bring the skill more in-line with other build options, and we think that
from a pure design standpoint the problem is tornadoes triggering procs,
most specifically Life on Hit.
The survivability you get from WW with LoH is definitely an outlier compared
to other available builds. This wasn't a huge issue previously, but once we
introduced Monster Power it became clear that we needed to make some
adjustments. Basically, when we were doing our initial testing for 1.0.5,
anything that didn't kill WW barbs in the first second of combat failed to
be any sort of real threat, and that applied even after scaling Monster
Power up to its higher settings. The amount of damage enemies do at higher
Monster Power levels is pretty insane, and while the WW barb was still doing
fine, it felt punishingly unfair to every other class and barbarian build.
This introduced another problem: if a WW barb could heal from empty to full
health in half a second, then for any monster to pose a threat it would need
to take you from full to dead in less than half a second. We could
certainly make damage more spikey, but most players don't enjoy being insta-
gibbed, and we tend to agree that going from full health to DEAD without
ever seeing your health hit those intermediate values can make combat feel a
little shallow. Having times when you want to play more conservatively vs.
more aggressively can add depth to combat and make it more interesting, so (
in general) we try to avoid creating situations where spikey damage is the
Even though we really liked the build, in the end all the data was telling
us that WW needed to be changed.
发帖数: 4509
barb 彻底废了,只有 monk 了,
等 monk 的天人被废了,就都废了
几个最好的,最平易近人的 build
dh 旧娜套 gloom
wiz 冰冻
barb 双旋风
wd 呕吐推熊
都被搞掉了,f**k blz


【在 m**u 的大作中提到】
: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/6679558916#12
: Lylirra
: Community Manager
: Run the Like Wind makes WW/double tornado barb a very strong build by
: combining multiple benefits into one neat little package: life regeneration,
: Fury gain, damage, in-combat mobility, and run speed. It's all there. Ask
: just about anyone (or take a look at the posts in these forums) and they'll
: tell you WW barbs are incredibly powerful, and it's also one of the first
: builds people point to when the word "nerf" is mentioned.
: I think most players -- whether they'd admit it publicly or not -- probably

发帖数: 12823
gay wilson: f**k ds :p

【在 b******n 的大作中提到】
: barb 彻底废了,只有 monk 了,
: 等 monk 的天人被废了,就都废了
: 几个最好的,最平易近人的 build
: dh 旧娜套 gloom
: wiz 冰冻
: barb 双旋风
: wd 呕吐推熊
: 都被搞掉了,f**k blz
: regeneration,

发帖数: 5500

【在 b******n 的大作中提到】
: barb 彻底废了,只有 monk 了,
: 等 monk 的天人被废了,就都废了
: 几个最好的,最平易近人的 build
: dh 旧娜套 gloom
: wiz 冰冻
: barb 双旋风
: wd 呕吐推熊
: 都被搞掉了,f**k blz
: regeneration,

1 (共1页)
west-我21级的陷阱冒险者怎么都升不太动了?终于找到一个好项链, 不用再折腾monk了
look for 3-xx-xx sc and 10-xx-xx GC (non ladder)有double tornado barb吗?
d2: 野蛮人怎么玩啊?问个跑酷barb的问题
没有人觉得D3人物跑步的动作不协调吗?d3 progress 上paragon lvl 领先的前20名
双旋风barb问题求教,如何 generate fury?手残吊死野蛮人的福音:Devil's Anvil (老农锄地)build
barb 太 imba 了吧[D2] duping method for closed bnet
Re: 怎么没多少人一起run啊发文悼念我亲爱的
A barb's life8ppl Hell baalrun流程
话题: ww话题: damage话题: monster话题: power话题: combat