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Game版 - 分享个~
玻璃渣发布新游戏battle against flying fisters (the song of Dryads)
进了overwatch的betahow to attack enemy halt?
2016年游戏收入:手游碾压console,超越PCPillage your enemies! 一定要抢到东西才算完成吗?
Re: 终于打完了FF8抢人头的好处是什么?
话题: enemy话题: your话题: tank话题: battle话题: tanks
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 151
Hello World of Tankers! While on deployment, I discovered this game from a
peer of mine, and quickly grew to love this tank simulator/shooter game.
With its fun shooter mechanics and addictive but frustrating RPG elements,
this game quickly occupied much of my free time. As a Platoon Leader in the
Armor Branch of the U.S. Army, this game gives me a chance to “practice”
my craft even when I’m not actually on my tank. While playing, I noticed my
peers and I began to use actual military doctrine to shape the fight and
win the battle. Even though these tropes are used for actual tactical
operations, they easily apply to the mechanics of the game and have proven
to be successful in my admitted limited experience of this game. While these
Fundamentals of Maneuver may not provide a strict strategy for success for
advanced players, knowing these will keep you alive and may improve the way
you think about playing the game.
Principles of Offense
A successful Tank Commander will employ these 4 principles throughout their
offensive operation.
Concentration - Concentration is the massing of overwhelming effects of
combat power to achieve a single purpose. The single purpose is simple,
destroy the enemy. Remember that a tank with only 1 HP does the same amount
of damage as a tank at 100%. During the game, using ctrl + Target to call
out who your platoon or wolf pack is attacking next to take down is very
effective. Also note the use of “overwhelming” effects. Instead of
everybody taking pop shots at the same tank, have somebody (usually the
lowest tier or damaging tank) pre-loaded with HE rounds to affect the
opposing tanks modules or tracks. This also assists the SPGs in making more
accurate shots. Many times I have seen an upper tier taken out because of
their lack of maneuverability due to damaged modules and the concentration
of AP, HE and Arty.
Audacity - Audacity is a simple plan of action, boldly executed. George S.
Patton, arguably the best tank commander ever known (I know Rommel was
pretty B-A as well, but I do hold a bit of a biased opinion,) once said that
a “good plan executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week
.” When you are fighting a clan war, or a company battle, it is a bit
easier, but even PuGs can accomplish this. In the first 30 seconds before a
game, come up with a game plan. Let people know where you and your group are
going or get a DECENT group to remain in defense (nothing is more
frustrating than watching a the whole team leave your base and watching 2 T-
50-2s or a Chaffee obliterate your SPGs or seeing a small group cap your
base while the offensive group is in the middle of an epic battle.) Make a
plan, try to stick to the plan, but remain flexible. (A little ironic
dichotomy never hurt anybody)
Tempo – Tempo simply refers to the speed of the battle. Controlling or
altering tempo is necessary to retain the initiative. When you push forward
and see a group of equal tanks, and everybody begins retreating, you just
lost your tempo. Get behind cover and stand your ground. When you gain the
initiative, push forward. Violence of action produces results, just remember
to make sure you aren’t in any compromising positions, because then
violence of action produces quick deaths. A technique that keeps tempo that
translates to the game from the armor world is alternating fires. I
personally like alternating fires when in a position where you Peek and
Shoot. Have one tank peek out and shoot, then back up again. Once that tank
backs up to reload, the second tank pulls forward and shoots his round,
producing a constant stream of direct fire onto the enemy. This takes
coordination among the two (or even three) tanks using this method, but is
very effective.
Surprise - In the offense, commanders achieve surprise by attacking the
enemy at a time or place he does not expect or in a manner for which he is
unprepared. This doesn’t necessarily have to mean that you come out from
your hiding spot, yell BOO!, shoot and laugh as the tanks die. What this
translates to is attacking where the enemy is not prepared for. When you
have a tank pinned down behind a rock, have a Medium or Light tank flank to
his rear and fire away. If you keep the enemy unprepared for your attack,
you will destroy him quickly. Just because the enemy is aware of your
position does not mean you can achieve surprise. If he cannot deal with you,
then you have accomplished your goal.
Forms of Maneuver
Offensive operations at their basic forms are shaped into 5 different Forms
of Maneuver. While normally combined, each form of maneuver attacks the
enemy differently. Each poses different challenges for attackers and
different dangers for defenders. Understanding these and knowing when and
where to employ these forms quickly sets the battle up for success.
Envelopment - Envelopments avoid the enemy front, where he is protected and
can easily concentrate fires. Single envelopments maneuver against one enemy
flank; double envelopments maneuver against both. Either variant can
develop into encirclement. This is flanking pure and simple. The goal is to
attack the enemy at more fronts than they are prepared to handle or even
just one front they aren’t ready for. Sometimes this means backtracking and
circling around, but once you can see his rear armor, BAM! its worth it.
Turning Movement – This occurs when the attacking force seeks to avoid the
enemy's principal defensive positions by seizing objectives to the enemy
rear and causing the enemy to move out of his current positions or divert
major forces to meet the threat. This is a great tool go gain the initiative
of the initial push. If your forces are in a bit of a stalemate, give them
a reason to pull off their attackers to regain the advantage. Send a light
tank after their artillery or their base. I have seen as much as three
heavies leave the fight to help the base, the push is then won by the
advancing team and then they hit the tanks that left in the rear slaying
them effortlessly.
Penetration - Commanders direct penetrations when enemy flanks are not
assailable or time does not permit another form of maneuver. Successful
penetrations create assailable flanks and provide access to enemy rear areas
. Because penetrations frequently are directed into the front of the enemy
defense, they risk significantly more friendly casualties than envelopments,
turning movements, and infiltrations. As stated, this form is a high risk/
high reward technique. The goal here is to simply split the enemy down the
middle assaulting its weakest point. This is usually used during the end of
the match or a last ditch effort to take the enemies base. Again, remember
to assault the WEAKEST point of the enemies’ position, not their wall of E-
Infiltration – An infil is where an attacking force conducts undetected
movement through or into an area occupied by enemy forces to occupy a
position of advantage in the enemy rear while exposing only small elements
to enemy defensive fires. Even though this doesn’t completely apply to
light tanks…light tanks need to take close attention to this form. There
are plenty of maps where traveling across the map can be accomplished almost
completely unseen. The proper use of intervisibility (IV) lines and cover
and concealment will make you invisible and/or unhittable while probing
their positions. This point can be another guide altogether, just remember
that the average battle lasts between 5-8 minutes, so kamikaze-ing yourself
in the first 30 seconds makes you useless the other 90% of the match.
Frontal Attack - An attacking force can use a frontal attack to rapidly
overrun a weaker enemy force. A frontal attack strikes the enemy across a
wide front and over the most direct approaches. Commanders normally use it
when they possess overwhelming combat power and the enemy is at a clear
disadvantage. Commanders mass the effects of direct and indirect fires.
Success depends on achieving an advantage in combat power throughout the
attack. This form is pretty straight forward (no pun intended). Once you
notice you have the advantage, sound the bugle call because it’s time to
deliver the crushing blow.
No single one of these forms guarantees the success of your battle. If you
use the proper form at the proper time, you will maximize your chances of
victory. Just remember, a lot of outcomes and issues are produce purely by
dumb luck.
Battle Position Principles (PTSEARS)
Unlike a lot of shooter games where constant movement are keys to success,
tank battles mainly consist of maneuvering from one battle position to
another. Battle Positions (BPs) are simply where you have decided you will
fight the fight. Remember to use the terrain around you to your advantage. A
battle position assumes you are using more than 1 tank.
Primary and Secondary Fighting Positions – A fighting position is simply
the individuals position within the battle position. It could be a rock,
house, berm, or even a fallen tank. You want to have more than one place to
attack from, thus creating a secondary fighting position. It can be simply
the other side of the rock you are using, or another rock/house/cover nearby
. The goal is to not provide the same target to enemies every time you peek
Target Reference Points (TRP) – In the armor world, a TRP is used to
provide a common point of reference for you and your wingmen. This is useful
for spotting and or reporting enemy tanks that attempt to flank or catch
you unawares. In the game, use the major terrain features. Clock tower,
mountain, bridge, forest, hill. All of these make for an easy way to assist
in telling people that they need to look in a certain area. If time permits,
and you are using a program such as teamspeak/skype/vent you can easily
orient your team’s fires in a specific place.
Sectors of Fire – In battle, fire discipline is a must. Sometimes, it is
actually a hindrance for everybody to face the same direction. People become
concentrated on one area or target, and fail to account for their weak
flank. If you are in a group and you are in a BP with an unprotected flank,
it may be necessary to assign another tank a different sector of fire (a
lane which you are required to watch or shoot at) regardless of what may be
going on in the main battle. There is nothing more annoying than to be
involved in a fire fight, and then begin to receive fire against your
unprotected flank. By the time you adjust it may be too late or you may have
lost enough tanks to lose your advantage.
Engagement Area – This one is simple: where are you going to fight the
enemy. If you have an advantageous position, you create where you want to
fight the enemy. Let them come to you, because you may be traveling to their
own engagement area. Remember to always fight the enemy where it will hurt
them the most.
Avenues of Approach (Enemy) – This can coincide with engagement area.
Avenues of approach are locations where the enemy is most likely to come
from. Identifying these comes from common sense and experience. Once you
locate common AoAs, use this to your advantage when creating your Battle
Routes To and From BPs – I find that this is commonly overlooked and has
led to an early demise many of times while playing this game. Sometimes it
is better to displace and live to fight another day. However in order to do
this, you need to identify good routes in AND OUT of your BPs. If you find
yourself backed into a corner and/or pinned down, if you get overwhelmed,
you will die.
Supplementary and Subsequent Battle Positions – Supplementary BPs are
simply a second set of BPs that focus on the same engagement area. This
works to your advantage. If you can get two groups of tanks firing on the
same area, anybody who rolls in will quickly get rolled up. There are
several maps where this is possible and I have been on both the receiving
and giving end of these “ambushes.” A subsequent BP is a different BP that
focuses on a completely different engagement area it can be as simple as
quickly turning around and focusing your direct fires on a different area of
the map, or moving to a completely different area to head off an enemy wave
that broke through a different line.
The key to applying the Battle Position Principles is again to have a plan.
Once you play with a group long enough, you will be surprised how quickly
you remember to find yourself telling each other what you plan to do. A key
theme here is to “always have a plan.”
Terrain Analysis (OAK–OC)
The analysis of terrain around you quickly points out places of advantage
and disadvantage. Time and time again I see people who just roll on top of a
hill in order to get the best shot on somebody and then get pummeled by
opposing forces not yet in your viewing area or camouflaged to your flank.
Using the terrain correctly will quickly put the fight in your favor.
Observations and Fields of Fire – Throughout the game, you need to be aware
of where you can see and where you can shoot. That little berm to your
right can hide an entire platoon of tanks. Once you know where these points
are, you can employ your tanks to maximize your visual range throughout the
Avenues of Approach – Avenues of Approach (AoA) is where the enemy is most
likely or can come from. Identifying these helps in reducing surprises when
a platoon of tanks approaches your flanks out of nowhere.
Key terrain – Key terrain is any terrain feature that can provides a marked
advantage to whomever holds it. Most likely it is a hill, but can also be
an important avenue of approach or a great sniper location. Just remember,
that just because it is higher ground, does not make it key terrain. If you
are on a hill with no cover around you, you can quickly become the victim of
enemy artillery.
Obstacles – These are anything on the map that can impede your travel. I
can be tank corpses that block the way, a choke point where tanks can only
travel 1 or 2 at a time across, or even water or an uphill climb that will
stall the enemies’ movement. Use these to your advantage when creating your
battle positions.
Cover and Concealment – The age old misconception that these two are the
same thing. Concealment is anything that that will hide your tank, such as a
bush. Cover is anything that will protect you from enemy fire. Remember
cover can be concealment, but concealment is not cover. Always go for cover
if you can help it. Not only will it protect you from enemy fire, but if you
put enough of it between you and the enemy, they can no longer see you and
that can be used to your advantage, especially if you find yourself in a
Tiny or Speedy Medium tanks(I’m looking at you Type 59s, Chaffees, and T-50
Movement Techniques
There are 3 movement techniques in U.S. Military Doctrine. They form all the
ways we move tactically and I have seen them used successfully in WoT. You
can use them to provide cover for your wingmen when getting from point A to
point B and reducing the number of casualties if you come across a rolling
wave of Tier X death.
Traveling – This involves getting from one point to another as quick as
possible. You can do this in a file or whatever formation you want. Normally
this occurs when the battle first begins or you are trying to get to the
cap as fast as possible. This provides the least amount of protection as you
are focused on getting to your destination rather than the enemy. Do not
travel when you are expecting enemy contact.
Traveling Overwatch - This provides more protection than travelling as you
have more space between the tanks. This way you can provide some sort of
support to the tank in front of you without exposing your entire element. A
technique for this is to have a medium or light tank travel about 100m in
front of the main element. This way he can identify the enemy for his
buddies so they can begin firing on their targets. Once the enemy is spotted
, pull back to the safety of the group so when the targets are gone, you can
move up again.
Bounding Overwatch – This movement technique provides the most protection
for your forces and is used when under direct contact with the enemy or you
are attempting to approach with as little of your element as possible. The
principle to this is to have one element providing supporting fire against
the enemy while a second element moves up. There are two forms of bounding
overwatch: Alternating and Successive.
1. Alternating – The best way to describe this would be ‘leap-frogging’
to the target. One element provides covering fire to the target while
another moves past the original support element. The assault element then
becomes support and the old supporting element moves past them.
2. Successive – Slower and more methodical than alternating, Successive
Bounding occurs when element A provides covering fire for element B to move
up. Then the element B provides covering fire for element A to move up on
line with B. This happens over and over again while each element attempts to
move on line with the other. Another useful way to use successive bounding
is when you are trying to move through a weak defensive line on matches that
have high tier artillery. Use a fast tank to move up to spot an enemy, then
have the rest move up when the coast is clear or the enemy has been removed
. This is a great way to implement an infiltration of enemy lines.
Much like the forms of maneuver, a successful tank commander will change up
the movement techniques in response to the environment around them.
Remember that these are fundamentals of maneuver warfare: the building
blocks of a successful strategy. Maybe when I have a little more experience
in the game with clan warfare, I can provide more advanced doctrine such as
exploitation, shaping vs. decisive operations, fundamentals of
reconnaissance. Fundamentals are building blocks, and if you know them well
and use them, they provide the foundation for any victory. Depending on how
well this guide turns out I may provide more at a later time. Tanking is my
craft; therefore this game is real fun for me. Send me an invite in game if
you want, I’ll roll with you. Now for a few pointers:
• A tank in the open is a dead tank.
• If you are a scout, don’t get killed in the first minute of the
• Be cognizant of where your teammates guns are pointing. Their
rounds hurt just as much as the enemies rounds.
• Use the terrain around you to your advantage.
• Travel in groups, and COMMUNICATE with the group.
• Arty is a force multiplier.
• As such, don’t leave them unprotected from enemy light tanks.
• Who cares if you get the kill shot. I want the "W."
• Don’t get in the way while tanks are engaging.
• Always have a plan.
• Always be flexible.
• Always remember this is a game and meant to be FUN!
Reference: FM 3-0 Operations
发帖数: 6038
发帖数: 1813
Thanks. It would nicer if you could also put reference link here. lol...


【在 a***s 的大作中提到】
: Hello World of Tankers! While on deployment, I discovered this game from a
: peer of mine, and quickly grew to love this tank simulator/shooter game.
: With its fun shooter mechanics and addictive but frustrating RPG elements,
: this game quickly occupied much of my free time. As a Platoon Leader in the
: Armor Branch of the U.S. Army, this game gives me a chance to “practice”
: my craft even when I’m not actually on my tank. While playing, I noticed my
: peers and I began to use actual military doctrine to shape the fight and
: win the battle. Even though these tropes are used for actual tactical
: operations, they easily apply to the mechanics of the game and have proven
: to be successful in my admitted limited experience of this game. While these

1 (共1页)
arty打法系坦克还是舒服Re: 终于打完了FF8
玻璃渣发布新游戏battle against flying fisters (the song of Dryads)
进了overwatch的betahow to attack enemy halt?
2016年游戏收入:手游碾压console,超越PCPillage your enemies! 一定要抢到东西才算完成吗?
话题: enemy话题: your话题: tank话题: battle话题: tanks