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Game版 - [hommk]trade rules Q&A
[HOMMK]对鬼子无话可说Re: HERO III help!
{HOMM} 我发的抱怨信.[HOMMK]GM发话了
[hommk] legacy points: 574有没有人研究tear
有人居然偷用MITBBS V[hommk]Grail的信息
[hommk] the end game?2 more battles tonight.
[HOMMK]新手,请问如何加入alliance, thanks四服给我们一服一点泪的建议?
话题: player话题: allowed话题: resources话题: would话题: alliance
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 382
Is it allowed to strengthen border players with resources, as it is in the
best interest of the alliance that the borders are strong?
If the player needs it because he is in trouble, it poses no problems.
If it's to help a player already strong, this is not allowed.
At Intl tech beta we used a kind of triangle trading system. I, for example,
had a gem mine which I did not need. I sent my gems to another player who
needed them but in his turn had another resource that he did not need. So he
sent those resources to a third player, who had something that I needed and
he did not need. (In reality, the system was more complicated than this).
Would this be considered as pushing as we are giving each others resources
without giving something in return? In the end, no one gained more resources
than the other.
No problem if the trade is balanced
At what trade rates does it start counting as pushing? Is it ok to buy rares
at the price of 1 gold per rare? 1000 gold per rare? 4000 gold per rare?
10000 gold per rare? You should define the value of rares and commons (like
1000 < rare value < 4000)
This is the base: 1 = rare = 2 commons = 2000 gold
Then we estimate around this rate it's an average. such a rare resource for
1700 gold is reasonable.
How about just giving resources to another member in the alliance because I
do not need them? It is clearly in my best interest and my alliance.
The exchange must be balanced.
at the beginning of the game this is more important, while at the end of the
game it's a lot less annoying.
We take into account also the context.
Also, storing resources on another account (not to be used by the other
player). It may seem like pushing from your perspective, how do you deal
with this?
Unauthorized because you can in each city to store your own resources. A
limit is set.
Multi account prohibited
Also, would it be allowed for a player to leave the alliance, let a bigger
player capture one of his cities and then rejoin? For example, a big inferno
player has conquered a haven city and a smaller haven player an inferno
city. Would it be allowed for the haven player to leave, let his inferno
city be taken by the inferno player and then rejoin and get the inferno
player's haven city in return? Or would they be bound to trade resources for
the rest of the server (and not being able to fully use dwellings and magic
For a city that is permitted.
I take this opportunity to clarify that the donation of Grail is prohibited
between alliances.
Is it allowed to ask an outsider to capture one of your cities? As an
example, I have a haven city which I do not want and if no one in my
alliance wants it, I have no other way to get rid of it.
If I would grant someone else safe passage to take it, would I be allowed to
later pillage it? If not, exactly what would I be allowed to do against him
(Keep in mind that he might back-stab during tear wars or something similar
)? If I would not be allowed to take aggressive actions against him, would
my allies be allowed to do so?
Does size matter in this question (like would it be allowed to "give" a city
in this way to a bigger player or only a smaller)?
For a player ranked lower, no worries.
For a stronger player, it can sometimes look like pushing, so it must assess
the advantage gained.
It is already more embarrassing for a stronger player.
You also have the option in your alliance to donate a city.
Is it allowed to ask another player to settle a region for you, pay him for
it and then capture it from him? An example of what I mean: Let's say that I
have 9 cities and want a certain, unsettled region as my 10th. My neighbor
has 2 cities. Would it be ok if I sent him 100k gold and 90 commons (to
cover expenses and a little more) to him so that he can settle that region
and I siege it from him afterwards? Or would this be considered pushing?
This is perfectly fine with us as long as both partners are on the same page
. Also, a third city usually costs more than what you've stated in your mail
. However from a regulatory point of view we allow this kind of procedure.
If I capture someone's hero, is it allowed that he sends me resources to get
him released? If so, how much resources would be ok before it is considered
Allowed, it is considered a ransom.
Base: 1000 x the level of hero. Beyond it's too much. Beware also if the
hero is captured every week for example, it can be considered as an abuse.
If I capture someone's city, is it allowed that he pays me resources for me
to stand down and letting him retake his city? If so, how much resources
would be ok before it is considered pushing?
Allowed. Considered as a takeover of city. Depending on the level of the
city according to its development. We do not have a minimum or a maximum
rate in this case.
The important thing is there's no abuse on this negotiation. For example,
that this is not a mutual agreement between two players to do a hidden
pushing. Players are free to negotiate according to their means. In fact, we
look at the concept of abuse. If there is not, if both players have made no
conspiracy to hide them pushing, then transactions are according their
If I am sieging someone's city, is it allowed that he pays me resources to
stand down and withdraw my troops before the city is captured? If so, how
much resources would be ok before it is considered pushing?
Yes if it is an occasional situation, it's not about the number of resources
but this must be exceptional.
If my neighbor, which is not a part of my alliance, is under siege and I
break it for him, would he be allowed to repay me for the troops I lost?
Yes, if balanced according the losses. 100% of the value of your troops lost
during the fight is ok for us.
A bigger player is pillaging a smaller player. Would it be allowed that the
smaller player paid the larger one a part of the daily production to be left
alone (and maybe even stand under the protection of the larger player)? I
doubt this would be allowed, but if is, how much resources would be ok
before it is considered pushing?
Yes, but not every day. This should not block the player and he can not give
more than 50% of its resources.
What about threatening to destroy an alliance unless they send you resources
? You may not know about this agreement.
It's the same, but it can be done without abuse but is not allowed with
Also, tear war efforts needs to be defined as well. "Resource exchanges
within the same alliance are allowed when a player has to complete a quest
to make a tear." Does this mean that you are not allowed to support a grail
holder with gold for maintenance in order to be able to defend the tears?
And what is allowed within the limits of "complete a quest"? Is it ok to
boost an ally with resources so that he may reach higher dom ranks in order
to settle more cities and go for the dom path? If the later would be allowed
, an alliance can boost a single player up to dom rank 9 in order for him to
"complete the quest" as soon as tear wars begin, meaning that the alliance
will have an army far more powerful than any other on the server. If this
would not be allowed, where do you draw the line?
Yes, it is even advisable to send ressources to player to complete the quest
. No problems for send gold to the player with the Grail. To support a
player on the domination path, no problem, but it must be a member of the
alliance, non-authorized for the allies.Support a player during the war of
tears is allowed.
Are scripts like the one connected to the jactari fight simulator allowed to
be used?
Yes, a data analyzer that does not change the game
Are Nostradamus's treasure maps allowed to be made?
Tolerated according the server load. Generally for this kind of scripts, If
an abnormality is detected, the player will be automatically blocked
temporarily and then banished from the game.[/quote]
1 (共1页)
四服给我们一服一点泪的建议?有人居然偷用MITBBS V
[HOMMK]又高估了鬼子的智慧[hommk] the end game?
[HOMMK]各族的grail building有什么区别吗?[HOMMK]新手,请问如何加入alliance, thanks
[HOMMK]对鬼子无话可说Re: HERO III help!
{HOMM} 我发的抱怨信.[HOMMK]GM发话了
[hommk] legacy points: 574有没有人研究tear
话题: player话题: allowed话题: resources话题: would话题: alliance