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Gamble版 - toeza baccarat card game
[通知] Gamble 主题为<<★★ 曼联 v AC米兰 ★★>>的博彩已开奖最新赔率
toeza baccarat card game轮子越来越猖狂了
安徽假尼姑已经蔓延到纽约了Re: 五 WaiChi警醒
Stolen European passports on missing planeZT 美联社请教WAICHI及众网友.
一条特别古怪的新闻 (转载)”佛教“真的是一个“教”吗?
G8: I'll come back strongerStraying from the Buddhist Path (转载)
徐根宝与维埃拉那事是假的,用来黑徐根宝The "big picture" of CNN
话题: milan话题: kanawaluo话题: taechaubol话题: bee话题: thailand
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 31
Milan is about to invite calorie of accept to cover with tiles Luo Zhi
teachs Beijing time on April 25, come from " Italian football " message, if
Thailand is rich,business Bee Taechaubol is entered formally advocate Milan,
so he will be invited currently hold the post ofconstant big advocate
handsome Kanawaluo teachs, li of CTO that the skin will make team, and two
old official will return to Ma Erdi Buddhist nun, Jiatusuo. Bee Taechaubol
has arrived at Milan today, be the same as Beilusike formally. . .
Happy forum of a hunderd schools - Milan exposing to the sun is about to
duplicate the skin in _ of Heng Damo type + Kanawaluoqi is gone to red
blackMilan is about to invite Kanawaluo to teach
Beijing time on April 25, come from " Italian football " message, if
Thailand is rich,business Bee Taechaubol is entered formally advocate Milan,
so he will be invited currently hold the post ofconstant big advocate
handsome Kanawaluo teachs, li of CTO that the skin will make team, and two
old official will return to Ma Erdi Buddhist nun, Jiatusuo.
Bee Taechaubol has arrived at Milan today, undertake formally negotiating
with Beilusikeni, it is reported, if he cannot buy Milanese major equity,
also can buy at least 20% , at present the result still has very big be
concerned about, because, the financial group of backside of Li Wenhui of
businessman of Chinese Hong Kong also buys Milan of purpose. The near future
, beilusikeni will be the same as which one party to undertake negotiating
certainly, and this buys big fight, bilateral victory or defeat still is 55.
" Italian football " say, happy regulation of a hunderd schools once the
host that Thailand wealthy businessman becomes Milan, he will seek
Rangkanawaluo to become Milan advocate handsome, and in the skin will hold
the position of CTO post, the job that wants only is assist a ruler in
governing a country Kanawaluo, hold the position of a behind the curtain "
counsellor " part. Be worth what carry is, in not long ago, italian media
explodes really the message that has expected Milan invites li of skin of
Although of Bee Taechaubol wish view is very good, but Kanawaluo still has a
contract to be in greatly with constant personally, and the contract that
in be the same as at the outset, he exceeded an overlord to sign a by a
definite date 3 years, just teach nowadays be not worth a sports season, if
Heng Dacheng accomplishment continues to maintain in summit summit, so
constant won't put Kanawaluo to go greatly person.
Italian football discloses at the same time, if Thailand bee becomes
Milanese host, he still can invite Buddhist nun of equestrian Er the base of
a fruit and regression of all alone that impose a plan, and the identity of
a train of horses carrying goods can be a manager, jiatusuo holds the
position of trainer possibly.
1 (共1页)
The "big picture" of CNNStolen European passports on missing planeZT 美联社
会用“大血逼“123一条特别古怪的新闻 (转载)
意大利诊病例破10万,但是最大华人社区却无一人感染G8: I'll come back stronger
华人整体来讲是很优秀,reuters 都表扬了徐根宝与维埃拉那事是假的,用来黑徐根宝
[通知] Gamble 主题为<<★★ 曼联 v AC米兰 ★★>>的博彩已开奖最新赔率
toeza baccarat card game轮子越来越猖狂了
安徽假尼姑已经蔓延到纽约了Re: 五 WaiChi警醒
话题: milan话题: kanawaluo话题: taechaubol话题: bee话题: thailand