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Florida版 - 奥八今年急发几百万美国公民权给拉为希拉里制造选民
Call for donation. 刚开通给中国大地震的捐款帐号!请问有没有人听说east west college of natural medicine我急需 (转载)
enterprise在fl租车问题求助,谢先希拉里宣布当选后将安排百万穆斯林移民来美国 (转载)
在Boca的CASEC中秋活动骇人听闻:希拉里用铀换俄国的政治献金 (转载)
大坑出现了Re: 最后10天博彩:2016年第58届美国总统大选 (转载)
[合集] 其实熊猫和韩mm都是受害者。We finally have a president who keeps his promises (转载)
Everybody, please donate $10 to Hillary Clinton !!!奥八今年急发几百万美国公民权给拉为希拉里制造选民
The Nature Conservancy at the Disney Wilderness Reserve好玩吗?奥八今年急发几百万美国公民权给拉为希拉里制造选民
话题: uscis话题: election话题: clinton话题: said
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发帖数: 7021
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: gemini2012 (双子AB), 信区: USANews
标 题: 奥巴马政府加班加点,为希拉里制造选民
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Sep 24 08:52:26 2016, 美东)
Email shows federal immigration bosses in OT push to swear in new citizens '
due to election'
By Malia Zimmerman Published September 22, 2016 FoxNews.com
An internal Obama administration email shows immigration officials may be
literally working overtime to swear in as many new “citizen voters” as
possible before the Nov. 8 presidential election, a powerful lawmaker
charged Thursday.
The email, from a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services field office
chief and part of a chain of correspondence within the agency, urges the
unnamed recipient to swear in as many citizens as possible “due to the
election year.”
“The Field Office due to the election year needs to process as many of
their N-400 cases as possible between now and FY 2016,” reads the email,
which was disclosed to FoxNews.com by Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., who chairs
the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.
“If you have cases in this category or other pending, you are encouraged to
take advantage of the OT if you can,” the email continues. “This will be
an opportunity to move your pending naturalization cases. If you have not
volunteered for OT, please consider and let me know if you are interested.”
Parts of the email were redacted before it was disclosed to FoxNews.com, but
it was sent by the branch chief of the Houston Field Office District 17. It
was not clear to whom it was addressed.
“I couldn’t have said it better!” reads the July 21 note introducing the
forwarded missive. “It’s the end of the year crunch time, so let’s get
crunchy! Go Team Houston! Thanks for all your hard work!”
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Johnson and Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, in a Wednesday letter to
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, said it appears the
agency is trying to swear in new citizens as the election between Democrat
nominee Hillary Clinton and GOP choice Donald Trump approaches.
“Your department seems intent on approving as many naturalization cases as
quickly as possible at a time when it should instead be putting on the
brakes and reviewing past adjudications,” the senator’s letter read.
Johnson referred to a report this week from the Department of Homeland
Security’s Inspector General that found at least 858 people from terror
hotspots and other countries of concern had been mistakenly granted
citizenship despite facing orders of deportation under other identities.
"Considering that USCIS already has a troubling record of inadequate review
of naturalization applications, and mistakenly giving away citizenship to
terrorists, criminals and other fraudsters, it is disturbing that they are
now in full and blind rubber stamp mode to crank out new citizens," said
Jessica Vaughan, director of Policy Studies for the Center for Immigration
In a USCIS planning document submitted to Congress earlier this year, USCIS
reported it expected to receive 828,000 total applications this year, up
from a planned 815,000 last year, an increase of 13,000, Vaughan said.
A USCIS official, though, said the processing push has to do with managing
applications in a timely manner -- and officials are merely trying to deal
with the surge in applications typical in election years.
"USCIS’s goal is to process applications for naturalization within five to
seven months, regardless of external events such as elections," the official
said. "USCIS anticipated that there would be a spike in applications this
year, as we usually see in an election year, but the increase in N-400
applications has exceeded expectations. USCIS has detailed staff to offices
experiencing increased workloads and has authorized overtime for many
The official added: "USCIS certainly encourages our naturalized citizens to
be active participants in our democracy. However, like other citizens, no
new U.S. citizen is required to register to vote, or participate in any
election. The issue at hand is our desire to ensure naturalization
applications are processed within our normal times."
The effort is reminiscent of a similar bid to bring in new voters when Bill
Clinton ran for re-election in 1996, said Claude Arnold, a retired U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement special agent in charge of Homeland
Security Investigations.
"I am not at all surprised by this revelation," Arnold said. "This is a
repeat of the Clinton election playbook. Then it was to help re-elect Bill
Clinton, this time it is to help elect Hillary Clinton."
The all-out push shows the Obama administration is using levers to help
Clinton win, said Dan Stein, president of Federation for American
Immigration Reform.
"In the pursuit of a partisan advantage, one party has decided integrity in
the system is irrelevant," Stein said. "They don’t really care about
checking backgrounds or verifying status and eligibility – it is more about
increasing the number of eligible voters in the upcoming election."
1 (共1页)
奥八今年急发几百万美国公民权给拉为希拉里制造选民[合集] 其实熊猫和韩mm都是受害者。
今天的POLL相当有趣啊Everybody, please donate $10 to Hillary Clinton !!!
媒体poll,差距比昨天又缩小了The Nature Conservancy at the Disney Wilderness Reserve好玩吗?
Call for donation. 刚开通给中国大地震的捐款帐号!请问有没有人听说east west college of natural medicine我急需 (转载)
enterprise在fl租车问题求助,谢先希拉里宣布当选后将安排百万穆斯林移民来美国 (转载)
在Boca的CASEC中秋活动骇人听闻:希拉里用铀换俄国的政治献金 (转载)
大坑出现了Re: 最后10天博彩:2016年第58届美国总统大选 (转载)
话题: uscis话题: election话题: clinton话题: said