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Florida版 - Stocks tumble as bailout plan fails in House
Dow falls below 9,000 as stocks extend declinesProtein Precipitates in Phosphate Buffer
气候比较Honors Chemistry: Help needed! (转载)
考驾照,有自动挡和手动挡的区别吗???!!!Honors Chemistry: Help needed! (转载)
这次中国要当心了,这次狼真的来了Honors Chemistry: Help needed! (转载)
天朝又提高准备金了,重演1月?巧合?Re: protein crystallography
[合集] Big3 Bailout Plan Failed to pass in SenateDNA precipitation用NaAc, NaCl还是NH4AC?
Slovak Leader Vows to Resign if Bailout Vote Fails请问如何concentrate DNA
Protein Precipitates in Phosphate Buffer外行问个蛋白质样品问题?
话题: stocks话题: house话题: bailout话题: tumble话题: fails
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2318
Stocks tumble as bailout plan fails in House
By TIM PARADIS, AP Business Writer 14 minutes ago
Wall Street's worst fears came to pass Monday, when the government's
financial bailout plan failed in Congress and stocks plunged precipitously
— hurtling the Dow Jones industrials down nearly 780 points in their
largest one-day point drop ever. Credit markets, whose turmoil helped feed
the stock market's angst, froze up further amid the growing belief that the
country is headed into a spreading credit
1 (共1页)
help!!!! plasmids disappeared after isopronanol precipitation...[合集] Big3 Bailout Plan Failed to pass in Senate
reversible protein precipitate with temperatureSlovak Leader Vows to Resign if Bailout Vote Fails
Thrombin切蛋白的奇怪事儿Protein Precipitates in Phosphate Buffer
Dow falls below 9,000 as stocks extend declinesProtein Precipitates in Phosphate Buffer
气候比较Honors Chemistry: Help needed! (转载)
考驾照,有自动挡和手动挡的区别吗???!!!Honors Chemistry: Help needed! (转载)
这次中国要当心了,这次狼真的来了Honors Chemistry: Help needed! (转载)
话题: stocks话题: house话题: bailout话题: tumble话题: fails