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FleaMarket版 - ipad informations
[出售]coach 正价店 retail store 25% off coupongot [求购] footlocker $525 at 0.82
looks like holiday sale wont be good[出售]Coach Online & Retail Store 30% Off @ $10
R2000已经没有$150 rebate[出售]Coach Online & Retail Store 30% Off @ $10
[出售]coach retail store 25% off coupon code[出售]Coach Online/Retail Store 30% Off @ $2
[出售]coach 正价店 retail store 25% off coupon[出售]OD Printer Receipt and UPC
[出售]coach 正价店 retail store 25% off couponPro9500和Pro9000的rebate一个household可以分别拿一个吗?
[出售]coach 正价店 retail store 25% off coupon @$3[出售] BB Playbook 16G x 4 @ $230
【出售】Columbia Giftcard $30 @ $20[GONE][出售] Staples receipt (on-line order) $11
话题: sell话题: ipad话题: per话题: apple
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 603
on 4/3rd
bestbuy 15 per store, limit to one per household, bestbuy stores open at
10AM, give out ticket around 9am
apple store (wont share informations) but expect long lines, and was told
will be sold out the same day , one per customer, will check ids
I dont think any other major retails will sell ipad otherthan two above,
bestbuy.com may have very few to sell, apple online only sell pre orders.
发帖数: 3876

on 4/3rd
bestbuy 15 per store, limit to one per household, bestbuy stores open at
10AM, give out ticket around 9am
apple store (wont share informations) but expect long lines, and was told
will be sold out the same day , one per customer, will check ids
I dont think any other major retails will sell ipad otherthan two above,
bestbuy.com may have very few to sell, apple online only sell pre orders.

【在 f*******e 的大作中提到】
: on 4/3rd
: bestbuy 15 per store, limit to one per household, bestbuy stores open at
: 10AM, give out ticket around 9am
: apple store (wont share informations) but expect long lines, and was told
: will be sold out the same day , one per customer, will check ids
: I dont think any other major retails will sell ipad otherthan two above,
: bestbuy.com may have very few to sell, apple online only sell pre orders.

发帖数: 603
no 4/3rd, but i do know there are few stores sold some today, non here .

【在 u******s 的大作中提到】
: apple明明是2
: on 4/3rd
: bestbuy 15 per store, limit to one per household, bestbuy stores open at
: 10AM, give out ticket around 9am
: apple store (wont share informations) but expect long lines, and was told
: will be sold out the same day , one per customer, will check ids
: I dont think any other major retails will sell ipad otherthan two above,
: bestbuy.com may have very few to sell, apple online only sell pre orders.

发帖数: 5813
发帖数: 603
that's bs, amazon sell ipad now instead of his kindle? i dont think they
are that stupid.

【在 c*********5 的大作中提到】
: 不是说amazon也卖么?
1 (共1页)
[GONE][出售] Staples receipt (on-line order) $11[出售]coach 正价店 retail store 25% off coupon
Sell 神医请进[出售]coach 正价店 retail store 25% off coupon
gone sell R2000 50 rebate 收据[出售]coach 正价店 retail store 25% off coupon @$3
【出售】Calvin Klein GC $234.26, 0.85【出售】Columbia Giftcard $30 @ $20
[出售]coach 正价店 retail store 25% off coupongot [求购] footlocker $525 at 0.82
looks like holiday sale wont be good[出售]Coach Online & Retail Store 30% Off @ $10
R2000已经没有$150 rebate[出售]Coach Online & Retail Store 30% Off @ $10
[出售]coach retail store 25% off coupon code[出售]Coach Online/Retail Store 30% Off @ $2
话题: sell话题: ipad话题: per话题: apple