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Family版 - 来美八年(精确到天)
parent-teacher conference应大力发展蔬菜农产品加工业降低初级产品市场风险 (转载)
周围治安突然变差,但lease 还有一年到期,想换房该怎么办?fort lee的绢豆腐锅真差
应大力发展蔬菜农产品加工业降低初级产品市场风险 (转载)如果韩国拍唐山大地震肯定是这样的 zz
为啥到现在每个民族都还喜欢腌传统食物Re: 机票
Signs of societal decay, Holiday editionthe latest email from my korean-american colleague.
话题: conference话题: 05话题: 2010话题: 08话题: she
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 277
2006-10-17 ARRIVE the U.S.A!!
2007-10-07 F2->F1
2008-01-28 start graduate school
2008-06-13 transfer, start a RA job
2008-08-27 orientation, enrolled with tuition benefit
2008-09-09 mom-in-law came to US
2009-01-24 Scholarship get!
2009-03-19 Summer Intern interview @Boston Scientific
2009-03-24 mom-in-law back to China
2009-05-03 mom and dad came to US
2009-05-22 Qualify Exam (A big day!)
2009-10-28 mom and dad back to China(178 days)
2010-02-23 Phd offer get!
2010-02-28 Phone interview with Boss
2010-03-02 Phone interview with Supervisor
2010-03-28 Onsite interview
2010-03-30 Postdoc offer for LD
2010-04-03 unofficial Offer get! from big boss email
2010-04-26 official offer get! submit OPT application
2010-06-11 Me defense
2010-06-14 LD defense
2010-06-30 Left MN
2010-07-02 Arrived PHL
2010-08-04 EAD get! Start to work.
2010-08-17 Ophthalmology training
2010-08-18 Course registration through nondegree program
2011-04-25 Conference in Chicago (until 2011-04-26)
2011-04-30 Conference in Ft. Laudedale, FL (until 2011-05-05)
2011-05-23 H1B Approved
2011-07-30 Conference in Miami,FL (until 2011-08-03)
2011-08-08 LD's EB1A I-140 Approved
2012-02-23 Phd application rejected!
2012-03-06 Green Card Approved
2012-04-28 Conference in Chicago (until 2012-04-29)
2012-05-05 Conference in Florida (until 2012-05-10)
2013-05-05 Conference in Seattle (until 2013-05-09)
2013-08-03 Conference in Montreal (until 2013-08-09)
2014-03-15 Study Group Meeting in New York City
2014-04-14 Phd application rejected again!!
2014-05-04 Conference in Orlando (until 2013-05-08)
2014-05-18 Conference in Philadelphia (until 2013-05-21)
2014-07-10 Phone interview with recruiter
2014-07-21 Phone interview with hiring managers
2014-08-13 Onsite interview with hiring managers
2014-08-14 Offer get!
2014-08-19 Offer take!
Look forward to the new job...^_^
发帖数: 277
发帖数: 18483

【在 m******u 的大作中提到】
: 2006-10-17 ARRIVE the U.S.A!!
: 2007-10-07 F2->F1
: 2008-01-28 start graduate school
: 2008-06-13 transfer, start a RA job
: 2008-08-27 orientation, enrolled with tuition benefit
: 2008-09-09 mom-in-law came to US
: 2009-01-24 Scholarship get!
: 2009-03-19 Summer Intern interview @Boston Scientific
: 2009-03-24 mom-in-law back to China
: 2009-05-03 mom and dad came to US

发帖数: 1629
虽然很详细,准确,但过于 碎片化。。。。

【在 m******u 的大作中提到】
: 2006-10-17 ARRIVE the U.S.A!!
: 2007-10-07 F2->F1
: 2008-01-28 start graduate school
: 2008-06-13 transfer, start a RA job
: 2008-08-27 orientation, enrolled with tuition benefit
: 2008-09-09 mom-in-law came to US
: 2009-01-24 Scholarship get!
: 2009-03-19 Summer Intern interview @Boston Scientific
: 2009-03-24 mom-in-law back to China
: 2009-05-03 mom and dad came to US

发帖数: 277
10年拿到phd offer但没去念,因为同时也拿到了job offer。

【在 P**********k 的大作中提到】
: 没看懂,lz是10年开始phd?
: 14年毕业又申请第二个phd?
: 然后又找到工作?
: 虽然很详细,准确,但过于 碎片化。。。。

发帖数: 277

【在 f****p 的大作中提到】
: 再往后,你很难过人身的两个大波!
发帖数: 656

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.7

【在 P**********k 的大作中提到】
: 没看懂,lz是10年开始phd?
: 14年毕业又申请第二个phd?
: 然后又找到工作?
: 虽然很详细,准确,但过于 碎片化。。。。

发帖数: 277
好的哈~ 后面奉上的经验和体会一定老老实实用中文好好写。:)

【在 g**y 的大作中提到】
: 同没看懂,而且英语不那么牛掰还是老老实实说中文吧,看得晕
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.7

发帖数: 277
YoBuSeYo~ I miss you so much!
an ESL class in CSCC
Posted on 2006年11月8日
Partly Cloudy
High: 71F° Low: 44F°
I met Donna, Imo and YongSoon this afternoon at 1030B, which is YongSoon’s
home. She is a Korean lady with two children, one is 6 years of age and the
other is only 17 months old. Donna brought a cheese cake and YongSoon
prepared bread, fruit, tea and chocolate. We had a really nice meal!
YongSoon baked the bread by herself. Imo said she is a creative great cook.
During the lunch, we were sharing ideas on what to cook and how to cook.
After that, Imo showed us the story about the museums in Washington and the
photos of her family member. Imo said she was living in New Jersey when she
was young, but she never came to those museum at that time. She said that is
when you are near somewhere but you never go there. Her husband died in
1999 , suffered from a heart-attack. And she lost her son five years ago,
which was a great shock for her shortly after losing her husband. She said
she eloped with her husband when he was still in college. And they had three
children and grandchildren. Anyway Imo is still humorous and happy in her
Then Donna taught us to learn the vegetable family by picture and in English
. We discussed about Cauliflower(花菜), Broccoli(西兰花), Cabbages(大白菜),
Lettuce(莴笋), Brussel Sprout (芽菜small cabbages), Artichoke(朝鲜蓟),
Asparagus(芦笋), Sweet Peper(菜椒), Cooking Onion(洋葱), Green Onion(小葱),
Beet(甜菜), Radish(萝卜) and Korean Kimchee(朝鲜泡菜). I told them I would
like to use rice and beans to make congee. They said that is really nice.
YongSoon said she can make Kimchee with different vegetables. Maybe next
time she will bring a Kimchee dish to our gathering.
Donna shared a story about a famous lady named Harriet Tubman, who was a
leader in the abolitionist during the Civil War. She helped many negros to
get freedom. We regard her as such a brave clever lady that she had never
run her train off the track and never lost a passenger. For the ordinary
people in America, they felt ashamed of having slaves. Because people with
different skin color should be treated the same and equal to live and to be
educated. They don’t expect wars but only wish to bring up their child and
live a peaceful life.
After that we re-arrange our "evergreen winter schedule". Next time, we will
go to John and Jennie Kim’s Home. YongSoon may take me there. And it will
be my treat on Dec. 20th.
Imo and I are imitating YongSoon to say hello on phone in Korean — "
We really had a good time together.
发帖数: 24729
oh mom
为啥到现在每个民族都还喜欢腌传统食物应大力发展蔬菜农产品加工业降低初级产品市场风险 (转载)
Signs of societal decay, Holiday editionfort lee的绢豆腐锅真差
发帖数: 277
YoBuSeYo~ 蓝丝儿,what's going on?

【在 M********s 的大作中提到】
: oh mom
发帖数: 1007
LZ 申请的是UPEN 的top专业的PHD?一般的学校或者不是那么top的专业,有相关工作

【在 m******u 的大作中提到】
: 2006-10-17 ARRIVE the U.S.A!!
: 2007-10-07 F2->F1
: 2008-01-28 start graduate school
: 2008-06-13 transfer, start a RA job
: 2008-08-27 orientation, enrolled with tuition benefit
: 2008-09-09 mom-in-law came to US
: 2009-01-24 Scholarship get!
: 2009-03-19 Summer Intern interview @Boston Scientific
: 2009-03-24 mom-in-law back to China
: 2009-05-03 mom and dad came to US

发帖数: 277
谢谢archet的鼓励~ 感觉现在竞争太激烈,以后再看机会吧,也不想太为难自己,生活

【在 a****t 的大作中提到】
: 赞。
: LZ 申请的是UPEN 的top专业的PHD?一般的学校或者不是那么top的专业,有相关工作
: 经历的人申请PHD相对而言要容易一些,至少GRE分数要求没那么高。如果你是申请在职
: 的PHD,就更简单了。

发帖数: 24744
Inner peace is the origin of true happiness...bless..
发帖数: 277

【在 L*****s 的大作中提到】
: Inner peace is the origin of true happiness...bless..
发帖数: 277
Don’t work for money but experience.
Posted on 2007年05月12日
During the college year, I have been typist, tutor, translator as a part-
time job.
There are many part-time job opportunities on campus. I applied to be a
typist in student service center once a week and four hours each time. But I
can only use PinYin to do this job. Many graduate students sent their paper
to be typed and printed. It was the only interesting thing to read their
writings while doing this monotonous job. The payment was RMB150.00 each
month. I always felt the happiness on the pay day.
One of my P.E. teachers had a son in primary school. I taught him English
for one year once or twice a week. That boy looks like a younger version of
his father, tall and strong, but he hates to study English. Each time when
we met, he was always upset and reluctant to memorize new words. It was hard
to keep my passion with such a lazy boy. I have tried many tricks to
stimulate his interests in learning English. But I don’t know which one
really works. By the end of that year, he became a junior middle school
student. He told me that he was able to catch up his teacher in class, which
gave a tiny sense of success.
When I was a junior, I got a part-time job as a translator for a Quality
Assessment Company. I did translation from Chinese to English. There were
many senior students and graduate students hired as a part-time translator.
Our goal was to translate the quality evaluation records for each enterprise
applying for Certificate of ISO2000. We were permitted to do this job at
school. But we needed to submit it in person once we finished. The location
of this company was in DongSiShiTiao, the second ring road east. It usually
took me one hour to get there. The most impressive records was from the
company named WangZhiHe, which provided preserved beancurd. I spent three
days translating a sixty-five page record, exhausted. Each record follows
the same templet, such as meeting minutes, processing procedures, preventive
methods and corrective actions. I was amazed that in this company the
employees in charge of translation work all had a huge vocabulary. When I
met trouble in searching a suitable word, I could always get help from them.
One of our teacher said:"Don’t look for money but let money look for you."
Is that true? I am still trying hard to taste the deeper meaning of these
发帖数: 766

【在 g**y 的大作中提到】
: 同没看懂,而且英语不那么牛掰还是老老实实说中文吧,看得晕
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.7

发帖数: 277
差得练啊!! 把脸皮放进口袋里。

【在 g********g 的大作中提到】
: 嗯,英语太差
1 (共1页)
the latest email from my korean-american colleague.应大力发展蔬菜农产品加工业降低初级产品市场风险
[合集] 没人灌水,白菜好久不见了来看韩国人揭穿日本网特
Call for paper: The First international Conference of behav为啥到现在每个民族都还喜欢腌传统食物
男模跨性别走秀震撼时装界 比女人更惊艳(组图)Signs of societal decay, Holiday edition
parent-teacher conference应大力发展蔬菜农产品加工业降低初级产品市场风险 (转载)
周围治安突然变差,但lease 还有一年到期,想换房该怎么办?fort lee的绢豆腐锅真差
应大力发展蔬菜农产品加工业降低初级产品市场风险 (转载)如果韩国拍唐山大地震肯定是这样的 zz
话题: conference话题: 05话题: 2010话题: 08话题: she