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Faculty版 - How often to contact the Program Officer?
NIH score <30代表意思n年前的一个proposal要求submit JIT
nih R01什么时候能收到确认的通知NIH Grant JIT是什么回事?
NIH 等得好心急大家有谁知道U01是怎么回事?
K99 impact scoreRO1 Less than 40% percentile, 有戏否?
NIH 回复JIT(just-in-time)后, 多久会有下一步消息?R01 resubmit 的问题
eRA里有JIT link很长时间了K99分数很烂,要不要re-submit
R01 grant过山车了,要独立吗
NIH JIT怎么知道NIH grant 中了与否
话题: po话题: officer话题: program话题: would话题: funded
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 395
Last week, I contacted the PO about the borderline U01 score. I asked if
they would consider co-funding, since that I am a Project Leader of a COBRE
that is going to get funded. PO gave me some advice, if co-funding would be
a possibility.
Then last Friday I found out that U01 could not be co-funded through COBRE..
This Monday I sent the PO an email to report this situation, and asked him
when the council would meet. He emailed me the date Tuesday.
Today I got an auto-email saying that the summary statement is available for
Should I call the PO again tomorrow to discuss the summary statement and the
number of grants that would be funded? Would he be bothered that I keep
contacting him? I really do not know if I need to prepare JIT information,
or if the payline is decided now.
发帖数: 2041
First, I'm not worth it. You are a big bull. My post-doctoral PI told me
his U01 is funded because he has to get senators and congressmen involved.
It is very political and the counsel meeting over-ruled one reviewer for
some unknown reasons that he won't tell me. Your counsel meeting is over,
it could be too late to do anything except resubmission. I will still call
my PO because it is the PO's job unless you have been calling him/her 24/7.
1 (共1页)
怎么知道NIH grant 中了与否NIH 回复JIT(just-in-time)后, 多久会有下一步消息?
请教如何和 NIH program director沟通eRA里有JIT link很长时间了
第一次申请NIH的RFAR01 grant
问一下NIH resubmission的事情NIH JIT
NIH score <30代表意思n年前的一个proposal要求submit JIT
nih R01什么时候能收到确认的通知NIH Grant JIT是什么回事?
NIH 等得好心急大家有谁知道U01是怎么回事?
K99 impact scoreRO1 Less than 40% percentile, 有戏否?
话题: po话题: officer话题: program话题: would话题: funded