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Faculty版 - Good Interview Questions for Faculty
teaching college 的电话面试会问些什么问题?using excel for grade
the consequence of failing a student刚刚发现原来老师们没有寒假的?
[合集] 签了新合同,想跳槽,原来学校要SUE我怎么办?几个interview 问题寻求帮忙
学生要找分付出总会有回报! 和诸位同修共勉
话题: what话题: your话题: do话题: describe话题: would
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 141
Good Interview Questions for Faculty
n Tell us a little more about your professional
experiences, particularly those not metioned
on your resume/application.
n Why are you interested in leaving your
current assignment and why do you feel that
this assignment would be better for you?
n How does this position fit into your overall
career goals?
n How do you define good teaching?
n Describe your teaching style.
n Describe your teaching philosophy.
n What do you think are the most important attributes
of a good instructor?
n What do you think are your greatest strengths as an
instructor? In which areas do you feel you can use
some further development?
n Describe the duties of your current job.
n What do you dislike most about your current job?
n What is your favorite part of your current job and
why is it your favorite part?
n Share your ideas about professional development.
n In what professional development activities have
you been involved over the past few years?
n What are your current research interests?
n Have you involved your students in your research?
n How do you feel your teaching style can serve our
student population?
n How do you engage students, particularly in a
course of non-majors?
n How do you adjust your style to the less-motivated
or under-prepared student?
n On the basis of the information you have received so
far, what do you see as the major challenges of this
position and how would you meet them?
n Describe a situation in which you did “all theright
things” and were still unsuccessful. What did you
learn from the experience?
n Why did you choose this profession/field?
n What new skills have you learned over the past
n How would your background and experiences
strengthen this academic department?
n Think about an instance when you were given an
assignement that you thought you would not be
able to complete. How did you accomplish the
n Have you ever had a great idea but been toldthat
you could not implement it? How did you react?
What did you do?
n Tell us about your preferred work environment.
n Describe your ideal job.
n Tell us how you would learn your new job in the
absence of a formal training program?
n What things have you done on your own initiative
to help you prepare for your next job?
n In your opinion, how should the workload of a
faculty member be split and into what areas?
n Tell us how you go about organizing your work. Also
describe any experience you have had with computers
or other tools as they relate to organization.
n What experiences or skills will help you manage
n Can you describe how you go about solving a problem?
Please give us some examples.
n What is the biggest conflict you have ever been
involved in at work? How did you handle the situation?
n What pedagogical changes do you see on the
horizon in your discipline?
n How would you characterize your level of computer
literacy? What are some of the programs and
applications with which your are familiar?
n Tell us how you would use technology in your day-today
n What technology applications have you utilized in the
n How would you go about being an advocate and
resource for the use of technology in the teaching and
learning process?
n What courses have you created or proposed in the past
five years?
n What changes have you brought to the teaching of
n Think about a co-worker from the present or past whom
you admire. Why?
n What are the characteristics that you prize most in an
employee? What behaviors or characteristics do you
find intolerable?
n Describe the best boss and the worse boss you have
ever had.
n What would your co-workers or your supervisor say
about you?
n What are one or two of your proudest professional
n Do you have any concerns that would make you have
reservations about accepting this position if it is
offered to you?
n What do you think most uniquely qualifies you for this
n Do you have any additional information that you would
like to share?
n Do you have any questions for us?
Search Committee: A Tool for Human Resource Professionals, Administrators,
and Committee Members
by Christopher D. Lee, Ph.D. SPHR, CUPA-HR
1 (共1页)
学生求情大家回邮件吗?[合集] 签了新合同,想跳槽,原来学校要SUE我怎么办?
[bssd] Committee assignment收到学生们的email,挺感动的
nih proposal学生要找分
teaching college 的电话面试会问些什么问题?using excel for grade
the consequence of failing a student刚刚发现原来老师们没有寒假的?
话题: what话题: your话题: do话题: describe话题: would