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EnglishChat版 - weekly lovescope - cancer
info for LibraA 130,000 ton asteroid is heading towards Earth Right Now
Re: anybody likes T.S.Eliot's Wasteland?JHU小黄人领导实验拯救人类
Libra's romance in JulyA 130,000 ton asteroid is heading towards Earth Right Now
another libra ggWhy We Fear Ourselves More than Asteroids(2)
[转载] scopian wolfieMore Asteroids in Main Belt[zz]
有没有french 呱唧版?Astronomy Picture of Day: Quaoar, a new planet?
这句话说的够不够礼貌啊?大家帮我看看?Building blocks of life are found on asteroid
一个人度量大能容人,该怎么说?[转载] Why We Fear Ourselves More than Asteroids(2)
话题: lovescope话题: weekly话题: cancer话题: sun话题: moon
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 167
Weekly LoveScope
The Libra Sun enters Cancer's fourth house, and through mid-October, the Moon
Child has the urge for more emotional space. The asteroid Odysseus applauds
your cleverness. You'll solve any problems with guile, because you now see
things with a new perspective. When it comes to love, Saturday's Full Moon
encourages openness, even if you're not comfortable with it. While it may
seem easier to run from issues, the Sun in your house of secrets won't
let you.
If you're looking for
1 (共1页)
[转载] Why We Fear Ourselves More than Asteroids(2)[转载] scopian wolfie
Why We Fear Ourselves More than Asteroids(2)有没有french 呱唧版?
More Asteroids in Main Belt[zz]这句话说的够不够礼貌啊?大家帮我看看?
Astronomy Picture of Day: Quaoar, a new planet?一个人度量大能容人,该怎么说?
info for LibraA 130,000 ton asteroid is heading towards Earth Right Now
Re: anybody likes T.S.Eliot's Wasteland?JHU小黄人领导实验拯救人类
Libra's romance in JulyA 130,000 ton asteroid is heading towards Earth Right Now
another libra ggWhy We Fear Ourselves More than Asteroids(2)
话题: lovescope话题: weekly话题: cancer话题: sun话题: moon