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EnglishChat版 - [转载] Review: Flesh and Silver by Stephen L. Burns
burn upReview: Flesh and Silver by Stephen L. Burns
My experience of learning English (Preface)蚊子读书:Jane Eyre
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burning 歌词请问Stephens又赢了
话题: burns话题: flesh话题: review话题: stephen话题: silver
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4391
【 以下文字转载自 SciFiction 讨论区 】
【 原文由 ayanami 所发表 】
Flesh and Silver by Stephen L. Burns
Review Copyright (c) 1999 Aaron M. Renn
Conclusion: Marginal
I believe this is a first novel for Burns and it shows. His writing style
is, well, a bit amateurish. He makes up for this with an interesting
premise and a solid plot, though neither is really sufficient to carry a
story of this length in my opinion. The preface implies that this is an
expansion of three short stories, two of which a
1 (共1页)
Stephens又赢了burn down
烧TG国旗的老将。你们听到professors说过burning issue么?
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burn upReview: Flesh and Silver by Stephen L. Burns
My experience of learning English (Preface)蚊子读书:Jane Eyre
ha..found a very mushy love letterbw上的留言 (转载)
burn the midnight oilWomen's basketball.
话题: burns话题: flesh话题: review话题: stephen话题: silver