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Engineering版 - 10个包子求几篇SID会刊上的文章 (转载)
Florida State University 机械/材料全奖博士/博后招聘EECS PH.D. position in Case Western Reserve University
Re: 恳求工作内推: Electrical and Computer Engineering方向PhD and Postdoc positions in optics and metamaterials
PhD in engineering education招博后: 深圳大学-新加坡国立大学“光电科技协同创新中心
PH.D Openings in ECE of the University of AlabamaPhD and Postdoc positions in optics and metamaterials
中科院苏州医工所显微光学方向招聘 (转载)招聘超分辨SIM系统高级研发人员 (转载)
Ph.d RA positions @ ECE of VCUPhD and Postdoc positions in optics and metamaterials
Engineering RA Position at MSU国内学报会刊英文版投稿奇葩的经历
钙钛矿太阳能电池(perovskite solar cell)薄后职位招聘中 (转载)有人考过LEED吗?
话题: sid话题: kenneth话题: george话题: digest话题: li
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2469
【 以下文字转载自 EE 讨论区 】
发信人: huamei91106 (哼哼), 信区: EE
标 题: 10个包子求几篇SID会刊上的文章 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Aug 21 20:39:28 2014, 美东)
发信人: huamei91106 (哼哼), 信区: Physics
标 题: 10个包子求几篇SID会刊上的文章
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Aug 21 20:37:27 2014, 美东)
(1)“A general theory of light recycling with light pipes/tunnels and their
applications in LED illuminators”,George Ouyang and Kenneth Li, SID Digest
XXXVIII, pp951, (2007);
(2)“LED light recycling with recycling collars,” George Ouyang and Kenneth
Li, SID Digest XXXIX, pp2091, (2008);
(3)“LED light recycling: some general design guidelines,” George Ouyang,
Leonard Zugby and Kenneth Li, SID Digest XXXX, pp1756, (2009);
(4)“Dual paraboloid reflector illumination system for digital cinema,”
George Ouyang and Kenneth Li, SID Symposium Digest, Vol. 42, Issue 1, pp320,
楼主邮箱:[email protected]
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1 (共1页)
有人考过LEED吗?中科院苏州医工所显微光学方向招聘 (转载)
10个包子求几篇SID会刊上的文章 (转载)Ph.d RA positions @ ECE of VCU
10个包子求几篇SID会刊上的文章Engineering RA Position at MSU
Super Bowl XLV, predicts Madden 11 (ZT)钙钛矿太阳能电池(perovskite solar cell)薄后职位招聘中 (转载)
Florida State University 机械/材料全奖博士/博后招聘EECS PH.D. position in Case Western Reserve University
Re: 恳求工作内推: Electrical and Computer Engineering方向PhD and Postdoc positions in optics and metamaterials
PhD in engineering education招博后: 深圳大学-新加坡国立大学“光电科技协同创新中心
PH.D Openings in ECE of the University of AlabamaPhD and Postdoc positions in optics and metamaterials
话题: sid话题: kenneth话题: george话题: digest话题: li