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Economics版 - <<经济评论>>第四期
包子请教constraint maximization问题高校待遇双轨制的分析
who work on complex science in economics请问有没有IO方面对Cournot, Bertrand, Stackelberg的比较分析?
The *Real* Headline News by Brad DeLongCan we calculate log likelihood ratio using SAS??? (转载)
Quantative Method Business/OR请教econjobmarket.org的流程
The Neo-classical theory of time allocationasking for a paper, 3x
about the deregulation in power industry(welcome discussions and comments)optimization question (转载)
高手指教:Theoretical v.s. EmpiricalLooking for a Chinese male to share the hotel room with me on October 20, 2011 at Denver
Re: 哪位大侠看看这个 game theory problem?a question about permutation
话题: 第四期话题: visitors话题: 278话题: time
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 224
is here:
The maximum number of unique visitors last week was 278. Thank you for
your support!
发帖数: 163
Have you read the book by Waldrop : Complexity?
There are many writings on econ work done by Santa Fe Institute.
Something you may be interested in.
and will u accept other people's contributions to your magazine?

【在 t*****e 的大作中提到】
: is here:
: http://econreview.org/
: The maximum number of unique visitors last week was 278. Thank you for
: your support!

发帖数: 224
I never heard of this book. I'll check it out sometime.
Due to time constraints, I don't have any plan to expand econreview.org in any
direction, at least for now. Only evaluation of contributions will be a
tremendous task, and I don't think I can handle it. But the idea is nice.

【在 b*****y 的大作中提到】
: Have you read the book by Waldrop : Complexity?
: There are many writings on econ work done by Santa Fe Institute.
: Something you may be interested in.
: and will u accept other people's contributions to your magazine?

发帖数: 32
I occasionlly visit some economics columns. Following is one that you might
have heard of:
It also refers other similar web sites from time to time.
Hope this information might be helpful.

【在 t*****e 的大作中提到】
: is here:
: http://econreview.org/
: The maximum number of unique visitors last week was 278. Thank you for
: your support!

1 (共1页)
a question about permutationThe Neo-classical theory of time allocation
HOW DO I WRITE A SCIENTIFIC PAPER?about the deregulation in power industry(welcome discussions and comments)
我写文章的体会高手指教:Theoretical v.s. Empirical
请教一个请人改文章的问题Re: 哪位大侠看看这个 game theory problem?
包子请教constraint maximization问题高校待遇双轨制的分析
who work on complex science in economics请问有没有IO方面对Cournot, Bertrand, Stackelberg的比较分析?
The *Real* Headline News by Brad DeLongCan we calculate log likelihood ratio using SAS??? (转载)
Quantative Method Business/OR请教econjobmarket.org的流程
话题: 第四期话题: visitors话题: 278话题: time