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Economics版 - About discussions on the topic of deregualtion in Power industry
Re: About discussions on the topic of deregualtion in Power industry请问这种情况要不要去米国读经济学phd
a question about stata code工科背景,想读ECON的ph.d该怎么入手阿
1st price auction和2nd price auction能合在一起进行吗?有谁要去今年的FMA? (转载)
关于登峰造极的使用game theory的必要性teaching school好不好找
Economist: Anger in Chinaopening for fresh PHD or PHD drop out in quant major (转载)
what about job prospect of master in economics?about the deregulation in power industry(welcome discussions and comments)
大学新生请教学长:国际金融专业的核心学科是经济还是数学?Re: about the deregulation in power industry(welcome discussions and comments)
话题: power话题: about话题: market
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 67
I'm majoring in electric power engineering, so my thesis is mainly related
with finding different types of bidding strategies for different types of
generator units under present market rules. I find there are so many
advantages I could take to make money out of the market as a generator bidder
(bid high during peak hours or withdraw certain amount of power or set up a
congestion on certain transmission lines to drag up the Market clearing
prices), but as a buyer, you really do not have many ch
1 (共1页)
Re: about the deregulation in power industry(welcome discussions and comments)关于登峰造极的使用game theory的必要性
关于转文Economist: Anger in China
Discuss: what is econometrics?what about job prospect of master in economics?
Let's discuss refereeing in economics大学新生请教学长:国际金融专业的核心学科是经济还是数学?
Re: About discussions on the topic of deregualtion in Power industry请问这种情况要不要去米国读经济学phd
a question about stata code工科背景,想读ECON的ph.d该怎么入手阿
1st price auction和2nd price auction能合在一起进行吗?有谁要去今年的FMA? (转载)
话题: power话题: about话题: market