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EE版 - RA position in ECE at VCU (Spring or Fall 15)
最后一次恳求工作推荐: EE--------Digital Logic Design/VLSI/Power Management Position Open
EE/physics专业实习机会(马里兰州) (转载)Apple 在招Power Systems Engineer
PH.D Openings in ECE of the University of Alabama请帮忙下载一篇文章,谢谢
大家觉得这个学校offer的钱够吗电力电子 Power Electronics 工作求内推
恳求工作内推: Electrical and Computer Engineering方向审稿机会(control engineering 相关) (转载)
内推2-3个软工 (转载)苹果Austin电源管理芯片设计的位置
某医疗行业外企招聘 researcher-上海欧洲analog/mixed signal IC 方向真心求美国内推
Job opening: Analog/Mixed-Signal IC Design Engineer北京理工大学光电学院招聘信息 (转载)
话题: computer话题: zhang话题: dr话题: research
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 41
Dr. Wei Zhang, a professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department at Virginia Commonwealth University, is currently looking for
highly-motivated graduate students to perform research in the fields of real
-time and embedded systems, compiler, computer architecture, and graphics
processing units (GPU) computing.
Applicants should have a M.S or B.S degree in Computer Science, Computer
Engineering or a closely related discipline. Excellent programming skill in
C/C++ (or Java) is a must. Research background or deep understanding in
compiler, computer architecture, GPUs, security, or embedded computing is
highly preferred. Candidates should have good communication skills.
Preference will be given to Ph.D. applicants who have had relevant M.S.
research or industrial experience in the above areas.
Those who are interested can contact Dr. Wei Zhang by [email protected]
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Zhang's homepage is http://www.people.vcu.edu/~wzhang4/.
1 (共1页)
北京理工大学光电学院招聘信息 (转载)恳求工作内推: Electrical and Computer Engineering方向
招聘超分辨SIM系统高级研发人员内推2-3个软工 (转载)
从了phd还是搏一把?某医疗行业外企招聘 researcher-上海
到底该补充什么知识~Job opening: Analog/Mixed-Signal IC Design Engineer
最后一次恳求工作推荐: EE--------Digital Logic Design/VLSI/Power Management Position Open
EE/physics专业实习机会(马里兰州) (转载)Apple 在招Power Systems Engineer
PH.D Openings in ECE of the University of Alabama请帮忙下载一篇文章,谢谢
大家觉得这个学校offer的钱够吗电力电子 Power Electronics 工作求内推
话题: computer话题: zhang话题: dr话题: research