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EE版 - 谁认识这位OSU的老板, 求指认。
Re: 谁认识这位OSU的老板, 求指认。 (转载)paper help-Proc.SPIE
有没有朋友参加这次SPIE Photonic west的哪位能帮忙找个文章?多谢了
求nano photonics方向的postdoc机会 (转载)请注册参加2010 年3月在San Diego, ASME/SPIE会议的朋友帮忙
Postdoc and GRA positions at Ohio State Univ有8月1-5去San Diego spie年会的么?
Postdoc/PhD Positions in Biophysics and Biofunctional Photo (转载)10个包子求一篇文章.
photonic 方向phd纠结要不要转行求论文一篇
求两篇文献,SPIE的.SPIE/IS&T Electronic Imaging Conference 大概什么档次
SPIE文献求助,谢谢~~bow!paper help big baozi 100 fake money for each paper
话题: my话题: university话题: osu话题: work话题: people
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6
Electrical Engineering,好像是Photonics.
发帖数: 274

【在 w********a 的大作中提到】
: Electrical Engineering,好像是Photonics.
: http://bbs.gter.net/bbs/thread-1477449-1-1.html

发帖数: 10088
发帖数: 21
发帖数: 13438
这哥们是做adaptive lens的吧,刚看了一下,近几年没啥文章,在NIH有三个grant,

【在 m********g 的大作中提到】
: 真是巧,前些天回国时才和一个在他手下做过的访问学者聊过。注意,是访问学者。基
: 本上是个不能跟的,你能想到的中国老板的那些坏在他身上都能找到。其实我令我最震
: 惊的是他连自己出钱的访问学者都要push,显然是疯了。

发帖数: 4809

【在 w********a 的大作中提到】
: Electrical Engineering,好像是Photonics.
: http://bbs.gter.net/bbs/thread-1477449-1-1.html

发帖数: 349
去年在SPIE 见过一回,说过两句话
发帖数: 6
发表于 2012-11-13 01:19:21 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
有了解俄亥俄州立大学ECE的Prof. Guoqiang Li的情况的么,目前反被他陶瓷~主要搞
楼主的询问贴引来热议,远在美国的李国强教授本人也知道了。他and many
colleagues in the optics community 对于那些负面评价和近乎谩骂的回复很不解,
I give a brief introduction of myself. I have a successful track of record
in my career. I was promoted to full professor and PhD advisor in 1999 just
before I came to US. I was among the youngest PhD advisors at that time in
Chinese Academy of Sciences. After coming to US, I continue to work hard and
adapt myself to the American culture and working ethics. I was promoted
gradually to a research faculty member at University of Arizona, a tenure-
track faculty member at University of Missouri-St. Louis, and a tenured
faculty member at The Ohio State University.
My work is well known in my field and I am a respected professor in the
world. Because of my reputation, I was nominated to the Division Chair of
the Optical Society of America and I have been frequently invited to give
talks across the world, including in Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, etc. in
China. My grants went through peer review by the top scientists and I am
well funded by the US government. Recently I pay more attention to the
impact of the work.
I wrote the whole proposal that was funded and led to an article in Nature.
Of course I am proud of it. It was based on my technique that we obtained
the result. The order of the author does not always reflect the real
contributions and sometimes attention is paid to the success of the project.
I would like to let you know that I treat everybody I recruited extremely
nicely and I always do things with logic thinking and in a professional
manner. Before I recruit anybody, I already have the ideas for him/her to
work on and try to ask them to prepare for the project. I create an
excellent working environment for everybody to allow them to be productive
and successful. As long as they can follow my ideas and have the ability to
do the work, they can submit the papers to the journals.
Unfortunately when I worked at University of Missouri - St. Louis (UMSL),the
general quality of the applicants was not so competitive. So I did not
recruit anybody nearly for the first 2 years and during that time I built
the state-of-the-art optics lab mainly by myself. But I had to get some
people to work in the lab and take data. So I started to hire visiting
scholars, postdocs, and graduate students. I stayed there for less than 3.5
years in total. So it is normal that those people work with me for less than
1.5 years before I moved to a much better university. Some visitors are
supposed to work for a few months and the student for internship was
supposed to work just for summer. It is ok that some people may change their
interests and have different thoughts. A few people who worked with me
before expressed to me recently that they want to join my group again at OSU.
Once again, I treated those people at UMSL very well. Because nobody else in
my lab had a car, I almost picked everybody up at the airport and helped
them to find the apartments. Sometimes I took them to the supermarket for
shopping and took them for lunch or dinner. I indeed tried to create an
environment like a family.
I moved to The Ohio State University one year ago. In the beginning I
recruited two people without interview and just based on simple reference
and there were some problems. At here the general quality of the people that
are recruited is much better and I can get excellent postdocs. Right now I
have three postdocs and two students and they are productive and have good
personality. I did more strict screening and careful interview and I
requested their supervisor's reference letters.
I just list some basic facts here. Those slander messages are so ridiculous
and make no sense. I know one person has been creating different accounts
and writing mulple messages. Many professors asked me to ingore such
messages. I like to be open and frank. I am having a group at OSU that is
getting better and better, and I am confident that my lab will be fruitful
and the continuous achievements will further strengthen my reputation. I am
already recognized by the society and the top scientists. Those slander
messages will not damage my image among the top scientists. I hope the young
students who do not know the facts are not affected and I encourage the
young students to communicate with me directly. I am happy to help you.
1 (共1页)
paper help big baozi 100 fake money for each paperPostdoc/PhD Positions in Biophysics and Biofunctional Photo (转载)
求篇文章photonic 方向phd纠结要不要转行
审稿碰到发了会议的转投的该拒吗? (转载)求两篇文献,SPIE的.
求帮忙下载两篇SPIE文章, 十分感谢!SPIE文献求助,谢谢~~bow!
Re: 谁认识这位OSU的老板, 求指认。 (转载)paper help-Proc.SPIE
有没有朋友参加这次SPIE Photonic west的哪位能帮忙找个文章?多谢了
求nano photonics方向的postdoc机会 (转载)请注册参加2010 年3月在San Diego, ASME/SPIE会议的朋友帮忙
Postdoc and GRA positions at Ohio State Univ有8月1-5去San Diego spie年会的么?
话题: my话题: university话题: osu话题: work话题: people